Cold pressed, ready to drink fresh detox juice delivered straight to your door. Doesn’t that sound fantastic?
There’s never been a time I’ve been in more need of a pick me up – sleep deprivation, breast feeding, commuting and the many and varied demands of being a mum mean I am more run ragged than ever before, and when it comes to lifestyle I’m not really helping myself.
I routinely reach for high-sugar snacks like biscuits when hungry because I can shove them in my mouth one handed while doing something else like making BB’s tea or feeding Little B, when I know perfectly well what I should be doing is making the time to peel an avocado, spread it on rice cakes and sit down and eat it properly. And I ‘unwind’ at the end of a long day with a glass of wine more often than I should.
So when organic juice company Purifyne Cleanse got in touch and asked whether I’d like to review their work smart juice pack (pictured), which promises to ‘hydrate and nourish the brain and nervous system’ via juices for three consecutive days, I practically bit their hand off.
The idea of juicing lots of lovely fresh things into a nutritious drink Gwyneth Paltrow-style is great in theory, and while I have many friends extolling the virtues of the NutriBullet, I simply don’t have the time.
The Purifyne Cleanse range is ready to drink so removes all that faff. A refrigerated pack is delivered to your door at a prearranged time and comes with separate sachets of various powders and seeds to add to the juices as well as clear instructions on how to make up each drink. It couldn’t be simpler.
Prior to the start of your course you’re sent ‘pre-cleanse’ advice via email in order to get the most out of it, such as eliminating caffeine, refined sugar and alcohol in the week before cleansing, increasing fibre intake and making sure you’re fully hydrated. I found all this made me reflect on my lifestyle, and realised juice detoxing is about far more than just the actual juice.
I was also sent daily cleanse guidelines, which include the suggestion of enemas as a means of flushing out toxins, but for me that’s going a bit far.
I managed to tick some of the pre-cleanse boxes – the fact I was working round the corner from Kensington’s Whole Foods Market and eating lunch from their salad bar meant I was getting plenty of fibre in the form of fresh fruit and veg, but I failed dismally on the alcohol front. I swear I can hear the wine calling me from the fridge on my way home from work.
Still, they say start as you mean to go on so I started with a liver cleansing juice:
Day one: Morning Liver Bliss with Maca
Carrot, apple, beetroot and ginger, this is my favourite of the four juices in the pack. I added a teaspoon of maca powder (a root from the radish family native to the Andes packed with vitamins, minerals and fatty acids) – which is supposed to boost energy and concentration – and a quarter of a teaspoon of chia seeds. I found it hard to believe this juice was actually 52% carrot juice because it tasted more of fruit than veg.
Day two: Green Supreme with Cayenne Pepper
Apple, cucumber, kale, spinach, lemon and ginger with a teeny weeny pinch of cayenne pepper (a natural stimulant to enhance brain function) and chia seeds. Again I was surprised at how tasty this juice was – I really couldn’t taste the kale, which isn’t my favourite veg, or the spinach, but knew I was getting the goodness. The cayenne pepper delivered a surprisingly nice kick.
Day three: Protein Booster with Spirulina
Carrot, cucumber, spinach, kale, spirulina (a blue-green algae full of protein and fatty acids), parsley and lemon. Again I added chia seeds and this juice was perfect after my morning run on Mother’s Day: refreshing and reinvigorating. To be honest I couldn’t really tell the difference between this juice and the previous day’s Green Supreme, but I don’t suppose it matters – it was all good for me and tasted delicious!
Day four: Brazil Nut Milk with Cinnamon
Brazil nuts, water, cinnamon powder, vanilla extract and agave nectar with added maca powder and the obligatory chia seeds. I purposely saved this one until last because I hate milk and anything milk-related, and this juice had a decidedly milky appearance. But I was pleasantly surprised: although I couldn’t finish the whole bottle this juice tasted more like nut-flavoured water than anything milky, and the cinnamon was a comforting touch.
There’s no doubt I’ve been getting my five-a-day while drinking this juice, and while the cynic in me says it’s a psychosomatic effect I really do feel better than I have done. If I could factor in one of these juices in every day I would, but at £75 for the work smart pack it sadly can’t be a routine investment. (Check out the website for new client offers and corporate discounts though).
That said, if you’re preparing for a big event – holiday, wedding, anniversary – or recovering from one this would be a really good way to flush out your system, pump yourself full of good nutrients and give your body an internal makeover. They offer a range of different courses from 14 day cleanses, to new mother and anti-ageing juice packs, or you could try a ‘reset day’.
Trouble is I think I’d find myself in need of a reset every day…
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I do love how easy this makes it to get a variety of fruit and veg. Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested
It was so easy I didn’t even have to think about it x