It’s just one week into the new school term and I already feel like I need a holiday. BB only went back to school mid-week and I already feel like I’ve been knocked for six on the routine front.
I don’t know where the time between pick-up and bed time goes, but what I do know is that I seem to have been racing from one task to the next without pausing for breath.
Of course it always takes a while to get back into the swing of things when you’ve had a break from the usual state of play. I’ve been thinking about how we can make things easier on school nights and speed things up, and here’s what I’ve come up with.
Speedy school night hacks
1. Don’t bother ironing. There’s absolutely no point slaving over an ironing board when the chances are they’re going to have creased their clothes before they’ve even left the house in the morning anyway. Given that most school uniforms are ‘crease-free’ too, just show the collars the iron if you really must.
2. Don’t bother cooking. I don’t mean don’t feed them, I mean get someone else to prepare it. There are some great healthy ready meals out there and we’ve recently been sent some of Little Dish’s new range of pots and pies to try out.
They come in single portion containers with ‘easy peel’ film lids which really do come off in one swipe – no shredding plastic at all. All you have to do is stick them in the oven and set the timer.
The range includes cottage pie, fish pie, pasta Bolognese and chicken and veg risotto (currently £2.25 each in Sainsbury’s, £2.30 in Tesco and Waitrose or 3 for £5 in Asda and Morrisons and 2 for £4 in Ocado) which are all fresh, nutritionally balanced and have at least one portion of the recommended five-a-day.
They look just like you made them yourself, except you didn’t. Which is a win win in my book.
3. Get them to do help with the housework. I’m not suggesting child labour here, I’m merely suggesting multi-tasking. For example, my two love using the hoover nozzle, so while I’m clearing up the tea things I get them to hoover up all the bits on the floor.
4. Brush their hair and teeth in the bath. Why is it that hair and teeth brushing can take so long? BB has really thick hair, and by the time it’s been washed, dried with a towel and then rubbed around a bit more in the whole getting-into-jim-jams-and-having-a-story process, it can be in a right tangly mess. I find brushing their hair in the bath before they get out is much quicker. Ditto teeth.
5. Take the edge off. A bit like my back to school essentials you didn’t know you need, take the edge off all of the above with a little sip of something. On bad days a very good friend of mine opens one of those pre-mixed cans of G&T as soon as she gets home from the school run and secretly sips it through a straw in the kitchen until bedtime. Genius.
Do you have any tips for making school nights easier? I’d love to hear them!
We were sent a selection of Little Dish’s new pots and pies free of charge for the purpose of review. As always all opinions are my own and based on my own honest experience.
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Oooh great tips. I love the look of the meals too. I don’t really have any useful tiips for the evening, but more for the next morning. Just that we get the uniform out and hang it over the end of the bed for the next morning and we also make sure that we know where the school shoes are! I completely agree with not ironing! #marvmondays
Our girls love these fab tips #bigpinklink
This made me smile! Definitely don’t iron. I just iron as and when needed and most of the time I can get away without ironing clothes and I don’t think we look like we’ve slept in our clothes! marvmondays
Great tips. Those meals look like a great idea x #marvmondays
Get every bodies clothes out the night before, make lunches when the little ones are in bed, pack bags the night before and from an early age get the children to pack their own bag (secondary will be so much easier on them if you do). Fab post
I love those dinner plates, I bet they perk up any dinner time. My hacks are just get everything ready the night before – uniform, bags, shoes, packed lunches, book diaries completed & back in bags,and don’t forget your own things for the following morning, especially if you have to go to work! #MarvMondays
Great suggestions! Love the idea of doing hair and teeth in the bath. Thanks for sharing #TwinklyTuesdays.
We used to have those meals when the girls were little. When we used to go and stay with the in-laws, we’d take them with us as an emergency back up if the food being prepared wasn’t very child-friendly. My top tip for night-time school preparation is to get the kids clothes out the night before so that they’ve got everything sorted for the morning #TwinklyTuesday
I feel like you this week, we are back on 2 school trips morning and night and after school activities and I’m struggling to fir the day job in too! Fingers crossed it gets easier when we get back into the routine #twinklytuesday
These kids meals look great. perfect when you don’t have time to cook.And where did you get those plates!! Love them!!! #triedTested
The meals look quite tasty and handy for when you can’t or don’t want to spend time cooking. By the way, I can’t help but mention I love the plates! #TriedTested
Haha! Love a life hack and these are great! #twinklytuesday
Sometimes you need a little cheat opportunity like this #MarvMondays & #Twinklytuesdays
Shortcuts are absolutely the way to go! I never iron. I realised many years ago that most children coming out of school look just as shit as mine 🙂 Don’t sweat the small stuff – there’s just not the time to! Alison x #bigpinklink
We definitely don’t iron. Well, except school uniforms. I really hate doing it though. And I’m glad you mentioned little fish. We used to get them for z but I forgot they existed. Will have to look for E! 🙂
Great tips, we need to get into a good routine as Mia has just started Preschool 4 mornings a week and its a bit tricky to get organised and out the door! I like the look of the ‘little dish’ meals, I will have to have a look for them when I next shop as they would be great for our busy days 🙂
I am a big fan of Little Dish! They have also brought out a new range of healthy biscuits (baby aisle) that have a voucher for a free ready meal in. x #TriedTested
Now all three of mine are going I am going to try and cook in the day and just heat it up at night. Oh and start batch cooking too #triedtested
Three meals look a great fix for rushed school nights. I hate the word “hack” so won’t use it! #twinklytuesday
I think I need these tips in my life! As a brand spanking new ‘school Mum’ I’m already wondering if it’s normal to wash the summer uniform every night, or can I get a couple of days out of it if it’s not dirty?…How the hell do I cook dinner between school run and gymnastics, and do I even need to if she’s had school dinners? But then her sister had one bite of sandwhich…Aaargh! Let’s just say I’m the one still settling in to our new routine!
Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub – might just add those G&Ts to the shopping list too 😉
Fab after school hacks! I totally agree with the not ironing one, I never iron anything until its needed and unless it absolutely needs doing, especially for little ones! Love the look of those little dish meals too, I’ve heard good things about them and definitely want to give them a whirl 🙂 Thanks for linking up to #MarvMondays. Emily
I am so with you, racing to and from school too work I barely have 2 seconds. I cook tea for the little man then cook again 2 hors alter for the OH so think these are a great choice for giving yourself a bit of respite! I get oven rage after a while. Will be checking these out #coolmumclub