I’m about to share one of those really boring parenting moments nobody else cares about, but bear with me. This week I managed to cut all of Little B’s finger and toe nails in one go in under two minutes, with no chasing, twisting or squirming involved. A banal moment of motherhood yes, but it was also a milestone moment.
It was the first time he’s ever sat still and let me get on with it, without squealing, clenching or making it as long and drawn out a process as it possibly could be. It was one of those breakthrough parenting moments in which you know from now on life is going to be that little bit easier.
When you think about it there are actually a lot of breakthrough moments, especially in that first year. From sleeping through the night to actually eating a meal you’ve made for them, mini achievements range from the minor to the major.
Here’s my list of 10 breakthrough parenting moments:
1. The first smile. This usually happens around the time the adrenaline from the birth has worn off and the babymoon is well and truly over. Your other half is back at work, the visitors have come and gone and you’ve unwittingly become locked in a cycle of feeding, washing, cleaning and wiping on the least sleep you’ve ever had with only cold tea and half-eaten meals to keep you going. Then one day, when you’re least expecting it, your little scrap of a thing who until now has only stared vaguely past your ear will suddenly look you in the eye and a smile will spread across their little face, lighting them up from inside and giving you a glimpse of the little person they’ll become.
2. The first time they sleep through the night. Or most of the night, anyway. You’ll wake up and realise you’ve been asleep for five hours straight, and you’ll feel like a whole new person – the person you used to feel like. With the fug of new motherhood temporarily lifted it feels like anything is possible, even if that night is then followed by three terrible ones. That one good night is enough to keep you going and give you a glimmer of hope that it won’t always be like this.
3. The day you pack away the high chair. I know you shouldn’t wish away the baby years, and one day I’ll probably look back and wish mine were small enough to be in high chairs again, but God I hate them. All that wiping over and over and over again, day in and day out. The day you pack away the high chair and they graduate to a big chair is definitely a break through moment in the monotony of parenthood stakes.
4. The day they let you cut their nails without a fuss. As previously mentioned, nail cutting can be a long and drawn out process requiring strength, determination and perseverance until they realise that it will all be over a lot quicker if they just sit still.
5. The first time they eat a whole meal you made for them from scratch. It makes all those miniature pies that end up abandoned at the back of the freezer and all those lovingly created sauces you end up scraping from the dining room floor worth it.
6. The day you ditch the nappies. The funny thing is I can’t actually remember the very last nappy BB wore, but I do remember feeling a sense of freedom and release that nappy buying and changing was no longer part of our routine. And the nappymoon lasted a good few months.
7. The first time you leave the house without everything but the kitchen sink. For me this happened in the small window of time after BB was toilet trained and before Little B was born. All we really needed was a pack of wipes and spare pair of pants (for her, not me) just in case.
8. You master the art of poppers and dungaree clasps. Annoyingly this happens just when they’re growing out of babygros and dungarees.
9. You finally get the knack of getting baby wipes out of the packet one handed without ripping them. This might be a small victory, but it’s a satisfying one.
10. When you can go out for the evening without having to worry. Whether it’s an evening out with friends or date night, it’s like a great weight has been lifted off your shoulders when you know they’ll be just fine.
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That first day you leave the house without needing a lorry for your stuff is liberating, isnt it! Although as soon as you start to feel smug and choose to live the house with a teeny-weeny handback then it is guaranteed that one of the children will have an accident and you don’t have a spare set of clothes! #thelist
Oh yes, getting caught short without a change of clothes always happens to me when I’m feeling smug and have decided to wing it!
I cried yesterday because she went in her new big girl car seat for the first time – I am such a muppet!
That’s actually a milestone moment! I’m not surprised!x
Oh yes, there have been a lot of these moments for us this last year and my boys need me less and less. Last week the little man turned down face painting and I almost cried!!!
Oh no poor you! I would have been crushed!
I’m still waiting for a few of these with my youngest – and because I had my two quite close together, I have had nappies and highchairs and changing bags hanging around for what seems like FOREVER! I can’t wait to ditch nappies, that’ll be awesome. Also the pushchair – mine is so manky now, it’s shameful, but I can’t justify buying another one now!
Hats off to you for having two in nappies at the same time! I was lucky enough to escape that!
So many moments like this. I remember trying for days to get my first born to take a bottle. I was in tears every night, wailing to my husband, “I’m never going to be able to have a drink or a night off again, I am going to be breastfeeding until he’s 5!” Then when he did take a bottle “OMG he doesn’t need me any more, I’m redundant” Hormones may have played a part!! Thanks for liking up to #FridayFrolics
Yes I know the exact feeling! No-one’s a winner when hormones are involved!
Great list! So many firsts and they all take places throughout the kids lives. I think the first time they play out on our street alone will be a big one for me! X #picnmix
Yes that’s definitely a big milestone. We live in a block of flats so I’m not sure when that will happen for us…
I’m anxiously awaiting the day that my daughter is able to wipe her own ass. Thats a big milestone I am looking forward to
Oh yes, that’s probably one of the biggest milestones. It’s just getting to that stage that can be rather tricky…
Definitely agree with these. So many milestones and often as a Mum they’re more about what no longer have to do – like lug so much stuff around! #TheList
Brilliant I think our four year old twins have managed just the one so far that being number5 #fridayfrolics
You’ve got the other nine to look forward to then!
Those moments are the ones we all need to get through those tough days. #justanotherlinky
And there are lots of those in our house!
Great list! So many firsts that when they are little you wish away and as they grow older you wish time had slowed down. I’m so emotional at the minute with my youngest fast approaching two, I want all of these firsts to last for much longer yet! #justanotherlinky
I know what you mean – it’s all a double edged sword!
right now I’d be happy if she could get through her first dinner without wearing half of it. Back again from #KCACOLS
I HATE that phase – it’s so soul destroying. And all the wiping!
This made me think back to my daughter being a baby again. I think I have some new breakthrough moments awaiting me now she is in double digits! #kcacols
I’d be interested to read a post on that to see what I’m in for!
Potty training is not going well and NC is only 7 months. I am like a camel every time I leave the house and CAN. NOT. WAIT until I can flounce out of the house with nothing but a packet of wipes and a hairbrush. It seems like aeons away though, so reading this is lovely. #KCACOLS
The day you can skip out of the house with one tiny bag will definitely come – hang in there!x
Ah spot on, all of these moments resonate! Fab post! #KCACOLS
Thank you very much!x
Ha, now I am jealous. I still haven’t managed to cut all of Cygnet’s toe nails in one sitting. there are a couple of them that are long and almost curling round. I am a bit worried about them. My mum says that I should cut them when he’s asleep but I really don’t want to risk waking him – I like my own sleep too much. Pen x #KCACOLS
I used to get my mum to cut them for me when mine were really little – and we always did it when they were sleeping!
I always get really happy when my sons likes what I cook! Another big deal for me was sending him off to daycare for the first time! #KCACOLS
Yes going to nursery or the childminder for the first time is another one – I should have added that!x
Lovely post. We are around the sleeping 5 hours straight part, so it’s lovely to read all these things I’ve got to come! xx #KCACOLS
We’re actually around the five hour sleeping through mark too – I can’t wait for it to increase!
I don’t think I ever got the hang of dungaree clasps!! #KCACOLS
Me neither…
So many small victories to celebrate! #SundayStars
They might seem like minor victories too but they can feel like major ones!
Some of these are still a while off yet but I’m so looking forward to them! #KCACOLS
Oh so true! Mia is almost 3 and shes only just started to let me wash her hair properly and cut her nails without a fight! This week we also put away her buggy which was horrible for me as it signals again the fact shes a big girl now! I had been carrying the massive buggy around in my boot and we haven’t used it in about 6months so it had to go! 🙂
I’m still waiting for number 2! These aren’t in chronological order, right? Otherwise I’m doomed, haha! #KCACOLS
So many lovely moments – and I’m totally with you on the poppers and clasps! If I’d known just how fiddly they were I’d have got some of those velcro ones. 🙂
Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday!
Ah its the little things that get us through isn’t it? I also had that brief interlude of going out with a small bag, but alas we are back to everything and the kitchen sink again now *sigh* #KCACOLS
Great list! i can not wait to leave the house without a bag full of nappies! Not to mention the small fortune we’ll save not buying them! It’s the little things in life that bring us parents so much joy like drinking a hot cuppa 🙂 #sundaystars
I remember things on this list with Mikey!
Congratulations with the nail cutting. I’ve still not managed that with Dot!
Laura xx
Some beautiful moments in your list. I am just starting out on the baby journey, my nearly 9 week old has been sleeping for around 6 and a half hours the past couple of nights and the sleep feels amazing, although I am still getting up in a sleepy daze half way through that time to pump some milk off as tingly boobs wake me up! xx
I have yet to have most of these parenting moments, but the first smile was such a great one – as was the first laugh. My daughter just took her first solo steps, which feels pretty huge – they’ll be no stopping her now! #justanotherlinky
I love this. I haven’t reached many of these but the first smile, first laugh and sleeping for over five hours have definitely been amazing moments so far! #JustAnotherLinky
I am slowly working my way through this list. I’m looking for to ditching the nappies but also can’t wait for the say when I can out without a pram!xx #kcacols
Definitely agree with all of these. I love the look of your blog too – so pretty! #KCACOLS
We definately agree with the nail cutting and ditching the nappies…we can’t wait to hit that milestone! Oh…..and hair washing! #KCACOLS
Such a heart-warming post. Sometimes time seems to stand still when you have all day with a toddler, but before you realise it your toddler is a grown-up child! That said, I can’t wait to get rid off the nappies – in the midst of potty training atm!
Aww I was just talking to my mum today about how one day I won’t have to carry nappies and wipes everywhere with me. It’s been ok so far when an era has ended with Miss as Mini was always going to go through the stage after her but when he finishes up with things I will cry for sure. Yet still, I wouldn’t have another for all the tea in China ha ha! x x
Such great moments, you reminded me of so many tiny moments long past! I am currently struggling with the knowledge my son is old enough to get a job! #KCACOLS
We’re working our way through the list! Luckily Finn eats and sleeps well, now my onlynemesis is the poppers. If there was a prize for being able to do a million poppers while your child crawls, wriggles and generally fidgets I think I’d win! Love the list, very much looking forward to ditching nappies and the never ending cycle of feeding and cleaning the highchair (and everything else within a mile radius) #TheList
yep, done all these. The first smile is the most precious and most memorable though #KCACOLS
I love the milestone moments, I just wish I was more organised to write down dates when things happen. I think in our house the next one will be first girlfriend!!
mainy – myrealfairy
A lot of these don’t count me yet as my daughter is almost six and still in nappies and takes virtually her own trailer out with her lol. I think the time you wake up from their first sleep through without panic is quite an achievement too!!
Ah yes…that last one particularly. I just know he’s so fine and it is a lovely feeling. We’re not at the nappy free stage yet, but I can’t wait for that milestone…think I’ll enjoy it though! Yep can definitely relate to this, lovely list of memories and achievements too! #KCACOLS
I don’t have children, but I can definitely empathise, as there is a nine year age gap between my sister and I, and I remember the relief that my mum showed from the various stages of things you have mentioned above!
Whether it’s a small victory for you or a giant leapfor motherkind, it’s all great! I really enjoyed this post 🙂 xxx #TheList
So pleased you liked reading it! Relief is definitely the word for getting through these stages!!
I was feeling a bit broody this week…. but thankfully your post brought me back to my senses 😉 there are definitely a lot of pluses to no nappies and them being more independent.
Thanks for linking up to #Picknmix
Stevie x
Anyone feeling a bit broody should read this post and THEN decide if they’re still feeling broody!!
I hate having 2 sets of nappies, 2 lots of bum changes! It feels like I’m forever changing bums! #kcacols
That’s because it sounds like you are – poor you!x
Yes yes yes! With your fingernail situation, we have a wiping the face situation. My son is happy to have a clean face but my daughter prefers to be covered and snot and/or her dinner. You’d think I was wiping her with industrial wipes. I’ve reached all of these milestones with child 1 and I’m sad to reach them with child 2. But it’s incredibly liberating, each stage makes parenting much easier. But they need us less which is sad! #kcacols
It’s sad and liberating at the same time! I definitely won’t miss the highchair. Ever.
Ah yes! Great post to read.
Thank you for linking up to Just Another Linky x
So pleased you enjoyed it!x
Oh I remember all of these now, though I must say, some seem to come and go as well. One minute she’ll eat her whole dinner – yay, yet the next day we’re back to square one again! And she’s three!! I am still at the clearing out stage and it was horrible when I realised I wasn’t going to need the high chair again. I think I get very sentimental!! Thanks so much for linking up with #SundayStars Steph xxx
I find we tend to take one step forward and two steps back with these things. I can’t say I’ll feel nostalgic about the high chair though!
Oh when they let you cut their nails without you having to pin them down!! So much easier! I was also very pleased to pack away the high chair! #tenthings xx
We’ve still got the high chair out but not for much longer hopefully!
Yes, yes and yes!! I dream of no more nappies, no taking the kitchen sink out with me and Holly eating what we eat!! X #tenthings
No more nappies is definitely a milestone moment – my favourite one!!
Back again, from both #picknmix and #tenthings 🙂
Thank you for popping by so many times!!
I still have so many of these milestones to go! I blooming hate the highchair can’t wait to see the back of that! xx #TenThings
Me too!x