At last. It may have taken two years but Mumsnet has finally compiled a cookbook featuring Mumsnetter’s best recipes, which means no more bookmarking pages from the website and balancing my laptop precariously next to the kitchen sink while attempting to recreate the concoctions.
The compendium of wise is called Top Bananas! and features the tried and tested recipes of more than 300 mums with dishes ranging from basic Broccoli Balls to Luscious Lamb Shanks. As well as speedy suppers you can create while simultaneously emptying the washing machine and doing general mum things, there’s proper meals for the grown-ups even Misery Guts is game to try.
My favourite bit is the chapter devoted to unashamedly unhealthy but rite-of-passage party treats such as Ice Cream Cone Cakes and Party Toffee Popcorn, which will surely send the anti-sugar brigade into overdrive. I can’t actually remember the last time I saw such naughty recipes in a family cookbook – probably my mum’s good old 1980s Jane Asher party cakes book.
My favourite recipe has got to be the Chocolate Bribe Biscuits (couldn’t have come up with a better name myself), and as well as handy box outs on the nutritional value of some of the dishes – ‘just half a red pepper packs more than 100% of a child’s daily Vitamin C needs’ – the pictures are so appealing I’ve been giving BB the book and asking her to pick what she wants to eat.
Needless to say she’s been flicking straight to the puddings and cakes (can’t imagine where she gets that from) but with a bit of gentle persuasion I’ve so far got her to try out a number of new dishes.
I’m one of 10 Mumsnet bloggers given the chance to review the cookbook – to find out more including handy videos featuring some of the recipes click here …
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