‘Twintastically smug and perfect’. That’s just one of the (many) criticisms I’ve levelled at Topsy & Tim’s mum in the past.
Not so long ago she made it onto my list of top five kids’ characters who make me want to scream – alongside Mog’s mum and Daddy Pig – for being so frustratingly, annoyingly and infuriatingly good.
But it turns out I was wrong. Topsy & Tim’s mum is still frustratingly, annoyingly and infuriatingly good, but I don’t hate her after all. I take back everything I said, and here’s why.
Topsy & Tim’s mum: I take back everything I said
This weekend we were invited to the Teletubbies 20th anniversary birthday party at the British Film Institute in London, where everyone who’s anyone with a child under five gathered for fun and games and a special preview screening from the upcoming new series of the show.
Among the famous faces who turned out for the event were Nick Knowles, Linda Robson, Austin Healey, Claire Sweeney – and Topsy & Tim’s mum, aka actress Anna Acton.
Bearing in mind Littlest B was born just 12 days ago on Valentine’s Day it’s fair to say I wasn’t feeling my best – I haven’t had a decent night’s sleep in almost two weeks now and physically I still feel like I’ve been in a car crash if you know what I mean (I’ll spare you the gory details).
Add to that the fact Misery Guts and I are now outnumbered – keeping your eyes on an over-excited five-year-old and a hyper two-year-old both intent on running in opposite directions while one of you holds the baby in a jam-packed room which is getting hotter by the minute is far easier said than done.
It wasn’t long before I slumped on the nearest chair with Littlest B while Misery Guts attempted to keep tabs on the other two, and do you know what Topsy & Tim’s mum said to me?
After admiring Littlest B, looking genuinely shocked when I told her how old she was and marveling at the fact we’d made it into central London already, she told me I looked ‘amazing’.
I’m quite sure I didn’t, but that’s not the point. The point is, mum to mum, she genuinely seemed to know what it had taken to make it there and what to say to make me feel better.
So from here on in I vow never to say a bad word about Topsy & Tim’s mum ever again.
Even though Topsy & Tim still have a lot to answer for, and even though Misery Guts, who has a long-standing crush on Topsy & Tim’s mum (along with half the nation’s dads if Mumsnet’s chat room is anything to go by), declared she looks ‘even better’ in real life than on the telly.
The thing is he’s right and she does look even better in real life than on the telly, and while I should probably be frustratingly, annoyingly and infuriatingly irritated by this, for some reason I’m just not…
Is there a kids’ character or TV show that drives you up the wall? Have you started out hating a character and ended up loving them? I’d love to know!
A post shared by Natalie Brown (@confessionsofacrummymummy) on
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I used to hate the Wiggles. Vowed to never watch them when my kids were older. But I love that my kids get up and dance when they hear their songs, and that they have a fair bit of catchiness to their tunes. They’ve definitely grown on me.
Sounds a stressful day out but at least you and Topsy and Tim’s mum bonded!! Thanks for sharing for #marvmondays xx
wow, I admire you for taking a 12 day old baby out to such an event, that must have been so hard! It must have felt so good receiving the compliment from Topsy and Tims Mum. I kind of miss the CBeebies days we did get to meet some of the celebs at certain events, my favourite was meeting Andy. There isn’t anyone I particularly have a grudge against though.
Haha I LOVE this! I’m still not fond of her in all honesty-but I get why you’ve had such a turnaround! Go you for getting somewhere on time-especially somewhere in London! My two are 3 and 7 and I’m still late to 90% of our plans! #PostsFromTheHeart
I must confess to hating Topsy & Tim (and Joy although her actual person alter ego sounds lovely). I hate that they’re all ‘Oh it’s our first day in reception today’
Fireman Sam too, why does no one hold Normal accountable for his actions EVER???
I will have to stop there or my comment will be longer than your post!
I LOVE your family picture with the Teletubbies and truly admire you attending events just 12 days after birthing! Big up to you! #postsfromtheheart
Goodness, well done for even thinking about going let alone making it there! You’re a legend. Is it terrible that I actually like Joy? I think I might have gone a bit starstruck and started talking to her about running, which she does in maybe one episode 🙂 #postfromtheheart
Looks like a great event to have attended as a family. I have to say I’m quite glad to be through the kiddie TV stage, there were a number of theme tunes that used to get stuck in my head! #MarvMondays
This did make me laugh lol. Hope you enjoyed the event. #postsfromtheheart
Thats ao nice to know these people are human too. Good in you making it out to something like that on day 12! #postsfromtheheart
I have to say that I agree with Topsy and Tim’s mum, you look absolutely incredible! Attending an event two weeks after giving birth with two other small people in tow is certainly no mean feat. You deserved her compliment and more so. I think the entire cast of In The Night Garden are on my hit list for being annoying – though I have no reasonable reason for not liking them. Thank you so much for linking this lovely post up to #PostsFromTheHeart
Fair play for going to the event at all! I really need to start keeping my ears open to hear about all these events that I’m too unorganised to get the kids too, haha! How is it I always find out about them a day too late?! I must admit, I’ve always made sure to picture Topsy and Tim’s mum having a twin-mum meltdown behind the scenes over a huge glass of wine declaring “If I have to use my sweet and innocent ‘now-now children let’s play nice’ mum voice one more f***ing time today, I swear to…” Makes me feel better anyway! #MarvMondays
Oh wow! Well done you on going there with a 12 day baby! You look fantastic. #MarvMondays
At 12 days old Piglet and I were still in a bubble – not jaunting off all over the place! Well done you #postsfromtheheart
Ah you do look amazing! I quite like topsy and tim’s mum. Hehe! Can see why the dads do!! Xx #marcvmondays
I have to agree with you that Topsy and Tim seem all too perfect. Another one I can’t stand is Mr Tumble and his characters! Not good!
Wow! Not only am I a bit envious of this event, but I am uber impressed that you made it out at all! What a fun family photo – one of baby’s first family outings! And congratulations! – Amy #twinklytuesday
My goodness me i dont think i would have been able to venture too far when my number 3 was only 12 days old! Well done you 🙂 #twinklytuesday xx
You know, I think I’d have been quite star struck if I met Topsy and Tim’s mum!!
wow hats off to you going into London with a 12 day old baby!! My baby is 5 weeks and the furthest I’ve been venturing is my local supermarket! #twinklytuesday
She used to drive me up the wall, too perfect and too smug!
Mr Bloom winds me up and I honestly don’t know why #bestandworst
oh wow, well done you for taking a twelve day old to such a big event. We did make it out in those early days but never very far.
Topsy and Tim’s mum drives me mad in the series: how does she never get cross with them???! I’m sure in real life she is lovely: isn’t it a sign of good acting to make you feel strongly about a character whether that is like or loathe? #bestandworst
I take my had off to you for even making it to the event! When I had my second I definitely wouldn’t have made it! It looks like the even was enjoyed by all. #bestandworst
Well done you for managing that amazing feat!! Glad to hear Topsy and Tims mum is lovely too. . .. Now and my youngest is 8 I miss those guys! #PostsFromTheHeart
Bloke looks like he’s enjoying it the most 😉 😀 Top marks for making it there – and you look much better than I did 12 days after giving birth, amazing! #PostsFromTheHeart
Well first of all, go you! Taking a 12 day old baby to an event like that is admirable!! You do look amazing!! I’m glad Topsy and Tims Mum is less annoying in real life, I can’t stand her on the telly either! #bestandworst
I completely admire you for getting to central London with a 12 day old! And, you do look fabulous! #twinklytuesday
Haha I find her SO annoying – she’s always so happy. Good on you for getting to the event looks like fun. #marvmondays
First up…wowsers for you going into London with a 12 day old. I was still having to roll myself off the sofa by this point secondly yay to T&T’s mum…I’m sure she’ll still be annoying on TV though! Thanks for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday
Oh gosh thats such a lovely thing for her to say and sooo well timed!
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