What’s the best thing to give a mum who’s had a c-section?
I’ve got several friends who’ve had caesareans recently but I know absolutely nothing about them, other than that it’s major abdominal surgery, you can’t drive for six weeks afterwards and you’re not supposed to have a bath for a while either.
When a new baby arrives I like to give a present to the mum and the baby, because quite frankly anyone who grows a human being and produces it from somewhere about their person deserves a medal.
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So what’s the best gift for a c-section mum?
I did what I always do when in doubt and asked some fellow bloggers who also gave birth the sun roof way. Here’s what they said.
10 best gifts for c-section mums
1. A stretchy baby wrap. ‘It’s perfect for keeping your little one close with no pressure on your scar, and saves you pushing a heavy pram. Baby carrying also gently engages your core helping you to heal faster!’ Vivienne at The Mothers Room.
2. Big pants. ‘The best gift was extra-large knickers! I’m usually a size 12 but size 20-22 were awesome for not touching the scar!!’ Emma at Me and B Make Tea
3. Dry shampoo. ‘You might not be easily able to shower if you’re on your own during the day and definitely no baths for a bit.’ Lauren at Scrapbook Blog
4. A face mask. ‘Because you won’t get in a decent bath for months’. Katy at KatyKicker
5. A thermos flask. ‘Sometimes I just wanted a cup of tea and the thought of having to get up and make it was horrendous. If only I had a flask of ready-made tea complete with cup, it would have been bliss!’ Heidi at Southern Mummy
6. Pillow mist (such a thing does indeed exist!). ‘Someone bought me some pillow mist which was LOVELY!’ Holly at Little Pickle’s Mom
7. A massage. ‘I am a massage therapist myself and I wish I had booked someone like me to come around and pamper me as I felt physically awful and low.’ Ronnie at Dear Babies
8. Company. ‘When you can’t drive for six weeks but are desperate to get out the house, I really appreciated my friends coming over and taking me out places.’ Abi at Something About Baby.
9. A home cooked meal. ‘I had two sections so I’d say any help you could offer, for example a few frozen dinners.’ Laura at The Mamma Fairy.
10. A cleaner. ‘When I had a c-section my mum paid for me to have a cleaner for a couple of weeks – it was the BEST PRESENT EVER!’ Laura at Mum On A Mission
Have you had a c-section and what’s the best gift you received? Or if you’ve bought a present for a friend who’s had a c-section I’d love to hear your ideas!
Ooh I like the idea of a cleaner as a present, such a good idea! #thelistlinky
I agree with the cleaner! Also add to the list a bedside co-sleeper cot – there is nothing worse than having to try and sit up to get out of bed to feed baby! I am wincing just thinking about it… #TheListLinky
I had a C-section myself, and I wish I had thought of a thermos flask for cups of tea! Great list!
I was lucky enough to have 2 natural births but I still would have liked a cleaner! (in fact could still do with one now!) #thelistlinky
I’ve had two c-sections and I would define have appreciated a cleaner. And big pants are a must, you don’t want anything with elastic that close to your stitches, they need to come right up to your belly button! Same with clothes, I lived in my husband baggiest tracksuit bottoms for the first few weeks. A stairlift and one of those armchairs that raises up to help you stand would have been nice too
Meant to add #TheListLinky