I’ve been overdue with all my babies. The first was 15 days late, the second was three days late and at the time of writing the third is at least a day late.
Apparently 80% of babies arrive between two weeks before and two weeks after their due date, but in my experience you’d think you were in the minority having an overdue baby.
And it’s enough to drive you crackers.
10 things they don’t tell you about being overdue
1. People can’t stop asking if you’ve had the baby yet. As if you did but you forgot to tell anyone.
2. They also can’t stop asking if you’re having twinges. Of course you’re having bl**dy twinges – you’ve got a full-term baby in your belly and they’re getting bigger by the hour.
3. You become public property. Complete strangers not only comment on the size of your bump, they start questioning your dates. Not helpful.
4. You feel like there’s something wrong with you. From the midwife who wants to book you in for induction to the shop assistant who says ‘you’re still pregnant!’ – you’d think you were a freak of nature.
5. You lose count of the number of times people say ‘have you tried..?’ Curry, pineapple, raspberry leaf tea etcetera. My baby will come when it’s ready thank you very much!
6. You come over all first trimesterish. You might be more than 40 weeks pregnant, but one of things they don’t tell you about the third trimester is that morning sickness can come back with a vengeance. Combined with the heartburn, it’s not the sort of cocktail you were hoping for at this stage.
7. You start waking on the hour throughout the night. Perhaps it’s the body’s way of preparing you for the sleepless nights to come, the fact you’ve got another human being pressing on your bladder or both – either way the days of an unbroken night’s sleep are over.
8. The house needs cleaning – again. As days turn into a week and possibly two it gets to the point that the ‘big clean’ you did in preparation for the new baby needs doing again. Rats.
9. It makes you spend money. If you sat at home all day you’d go mad, but the trouble with venturing out is that you end up spending money you wouldn’t be spending if the baby had arrived on time. A coffee shop trip here, another baby gro there – it all adds up.
10. You get a bit shouty. I blame all those pregnancy hormones swirling about, coupled with points one to nine of this list. It’s enough to test anyone’s patience.
Have you had a baby and did you go overdue? What drove you mad the most?
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I think the worst thing about the ‘have you had the baby yet?’ comments are that they seem to start at about week 37. My little boy was ten days early and I was annoyed with being asked – i imagine you must be ready to rip their heads off! The very best of luck with the coming days and weeks xx #bestandworst
Yes that’s very true! I would just never ask this question!
I was early with my son but I’ve had friends who went overdue and I know they were fed up! It was the constant stream of “anything yet” questions that seemed to come hourly!
Best of luck for the next few weeks! #bestandworst
Yep – on the hour every hour via text, Facebook, Twitter etc etc. Arghhh!
I was 11 days overdue! For me it was the constant asking if she had arrived! ‘Oh your quiet on Facebook! Baby must be on her way!’ Erm no, I’ve been quiet on Facebook for weeks! And that the midwives don’t give you any discussion about being induced! I was just booked one, like it was normal and it had to be done! She ended up arriving the day I was booked in to be induced! But If I was to go back, I’d tell the midwives to do one! #familyfun
You’re lucky to have avoided the induction – I’d do anything to avoid that!!
The worst thing no one tells you about is the Induction process. I will never recover from my 2 day induction process and consequent C section. Being overdue is crap, haha. X #bestandworst
Ps hope your little one gets a move on x
I was really unprepared for what induction means too – although reading the other comments not everyone has had a bad induction experience…
I was 14 days overdue by the time my baby girl arrived! A year ago today to be exact! I will never forget heading in to be induced on 12 days over due. It was blowing a hoolie!! Storm Imogen was infull swing, I nearly got blowed accross the car park on the way to maternity. Anyway the induction didn’t work. I only got to 4cm dilated and she had to be born by c-section 2 days later. It was horrible and not something I want to do again!
I hope your baby gets a wriggle on for you! xx
Oh no – that sounds like a right ordeal. Did you call her Imogen?!!
Argh lovey it doesn’t sound fun. I wasn’t over due with either of mine so I cannot relate but, without wanting to sound like a cliche, the big clean…nesting…just saying. Good luck and wishing you a safe and speedy delivery. Thanks for joining us at #familyfun x
Thank you! Everything is clean now – even random cushion covers – so I’m ready!!
I remember the midwife telling me, on my due date I was 3 cms and she’d book my induction but I wouldn’t need it and it would be likely baby would come any day. 10 days later I sat there crying and crying and crying still 3 cms. ‘Have you not had that baby yet?’ I felt like it was the only thing anyone could say. I feel your pain mama, tell them to mind their own, or ask them if they want to check! Lots of love x #CoolMumClub
Yes perhaps I should ask people if they’d like to check – that might shut them up!!
I don’t know how you coped. I had the first 3 weeks early. So then second I hated that last 3 weeks, she was born on her due date. I can’t even imagine! #coolmumclub
I’m still waiting!
I’ve given birth early – my son was two weeks early, my daughter 6 days early. But I’ve heard lots of stories with overdue and some were quite scary – with one of my friends they had to do urgent C section in order to save the child who wasn’t breathing anymore! She was 10 days overdue. So, as long as it ends Ok, with baby and mommy fine and well, then it’s ok, but I can imagine that all of the things you’ve listed in post really gets your nerves!;) #coolmumclub
Yes the main thing is they arrive healthy, and as someone pointed out overdue is better than premature which is a good point…
I feel for you. Hope baby comes soon #coolmumclub
Thank you – me too!!
I feel for you. Both mine were early and I experienced all this for the final few weeks, if I’d had to out up with it any longer I may have killed someone!
It all starts so early too – when you’re not even due to give birth…
Oh good God yes! I was 2 weeks over with Wills, and ended up shouting at a family member “no, nothing has happened yet, don’t you think we would have said something if I had gone into labour” Hahaha! Luckily she took it well, but c’mon people! Seriously, if I go into labour we are not going to leave it a week to tell you! Great post, really made me chuckle. #CoolMumClub x
Getting a bit shouty is perfectly acceptable in my opinion!
I had to be induced with all my 3, I tried all of the above to get them out, it just wasn’t going to happen. I had them all naturally though if being induced is classed as natural? I wasn’t aware of all you listed.
Thanks for sharing!
Not sure if being induced is classed as natural but I think it is! It sounds like lots of people have had very different induction experiences so maybe I was just unlucky!
Argh! yes I was overdue with both my girls – the first one the whole 12 days plus an extra 3 while being induced. I actually had family sitting outside the room with balloons while I was inside crying that nothing was happenning! Feeling your pain hun…
Thanks for sharing with #coolmumclub
I’d have told them to go home – what pressure! Luckily our nearest & dearest don’t live so close by!!
Aw I have a friend who is convinced she will be overdue with her second…just sent her this. It must be so annoying. I was slightly early with both of mine. I’d definitely be shouty and wanting to eat out a lot!! So excited to hear your news and thanks for sharing with #bestandworst x
I’ve been surprised with how many people have been early – I’m not surprised I’m not as I carried the other two past 40 weeks…just been for a swim to try & speed things up!
I was early with both and that was uncomfortable enough, I cant imagine what it’s like going over. I went to work on the day I did give birth and my back was sore, on the way home I popped into my mums and she said ‘get home and rest, that baby is coming today’ ….she was right!:)
I’ve had a sore back! But I think it’s more to do with pushing the pushchair uphill than anything else…
Alex was born on his due date buy Leo was 8 days late and I just could not cope with all the questions in person and people phoning and txting asking if he was here. Good luck when the time comes lovely, looking forward to hearing your news xx #coolmumclub
I know – it’s enough to drive you crackers isn’t it!!
I can so feel your pain, I was 13 days overdue with my daughter. On day 12 I got asked “when are you due, looks like it must be soon” by some well-meaning woman in a shop and snapped back “12 DAYS AGO”! lol #coolmumclub
I don’t blame you! Hopefully she didn’t either!
Omg, I love love love this out because I can relate to it so well. All 3 of my babies were over due and I was so depressed. I actually wanted to punch people when they asked if I was still pregnant and I was frigging uncomfortable I could barely walk. And the whone have you tried x,y,z? I mean ffs. F*** off! Of course I have. I’ve tried everything bar attempting to break my own waters!
Sounds like I’ve touched a nerve! I’m rapidly going from shouty to sweary too!
I live in Paris and had my second baby here. Did you know that in France they count full term as 41 weeks. At the start of my pregnancy I thought that was terribly mean of the Frenchies, but as I got closer to the end I realised that psychologically it set you up to not thinking you were “overdue” until you are a week later than in the UK! This did nothing to alleviate my grumps – give than I’m British and was working to 40 weeks and my first baby came at 37 plus 2 – and coming from a medical family I know this is regarded as after medical term (37 weeks) so baby should be, and was, fine.
Another interesting French culture fact for you… pregnancy is treated in france as a “maladie” – an illness. You are regarded as ill from the moment your pregnancy is “declared” – there is a form for this that has to be signed by various people – the french love a bit of paperwork. Whilst at first blush this sounds rather offensive – it means you are treated like the special person that you are. All supermarkets have special queues for disabled and pregnant people – or you just walk to the front of any queue. Including museums and all other tourist attractions. In fact you are treated as a bit of a delicate celebrity. I loved it!! Kate x #PostsFromTheHeart
It’s the same in Japan – they count 40 weeks and 10 days as your due date – ie 10 months & 10 days. So sensible!
Yes! Yes! Yes! I was 2 weeks overdue with both of mine. The other thing is that every bloody day counts. If that midwife gets her flipping wheel out and tells me I’m one day out…God help her! #postsfromtheheart
Oh yes the dreaded wheel – I’ve got the pleasure at my next appointment tomorrow!!
Ha ha ha well i guess i count myself fortunate that I was 5 weeks early then… though it did mean a 2 week hospital stay!
Thanks for linking to #ablogginggoodtime
Oh no – I bet that felt like 2 months!!
I can totally relate to all of these! I was 6 days over with my 2nd and a week over with my 3rd and was so fed up people asking if anything was happening! Also you are so right on the spending money one as well!! Thank you for linking up with #KCACOLS hope to see you again next time 🙂 xx
I spent so much waiting for my three to arrive!
never went overdue- it was my biggest (super ignorant in hindsight) fear.
I guess overdue is better than premature in many respects…
I was induced early with two pregnancies and went into labour myself early with my last and third pregnancy! I was so moody during the last few weeks, god knows what I’d be like if I was overdue! #KCACOLS
Yes I was moody too – and just plain angry some days!!
I went overdue by 13 days with my first child, the worst thing was that it was the middle of summer and so uncomfortable, especially at night time! #kcacols
I was like that with BB – it was August and so so hot!
It’s pure torture being overdue. You look to your due date for so long (all the time knowing that baby is very unlikely to arrive on the due date) and then you go past it and immediately get fed up. I went over by 4 days with my first x
Due dates have a lot to answer for in my opinion!!
Harry was 4 days overdue and it was so hot that summer I spent most of the day sat in a paddling pool trying to keep cool. By day 4 I was so fed up at home I walked 2 miles to the local cinema brought a bucket of ice cream and watched Magic Mike. I’m not sure if it was the ice cream or the 1/2 naked men but I went into labour that night Thanks for linking up to #postsfromtheheart
Harry was 4 days overdue and it was so hot that summer I spent most of the day sat in a paddling pool trying to keep cool. By day 4 I was so fed up at home I walked 2 miles to the local cinema brought a bucket of ice cream and watched Magic Mike. I’m not sure if it was the ice cream or the 1/2 naked men but I went into labour that night .Thanks for linking up to #postsfromtheheart
That’s a great story for when he’s older!
Ha ha! I remember those things well! My oldest was 15 days late too. #kcacols
Luckily Littlest B was 7 days late so it wasn’t quite that bad!!
My second was born on his due date – but that didn’t stop people 6 weeks before he was due telling me that I would explode any minute and was obviously carrying a rugby team! #KCACOLS
It’s so infuriating isn’t it!!
3/4 of my boys were “overdue”. I hate that term too! It is totally normal for a baby to come up to 42 weeks. And in some families even later with a history! My first was 22 days late! He did end up coming by C-section because he seemed to have no desire to come at all even at that late! My second was a VBAC and he was born ON his due date! (Wish I knew ahead of time you can get free stuff from baby registries if this happens!!!) Third one was 10 days late (I was due to go in for a non stress test the next morning which was stressing me out!) And my last little guy was 9 days post. Hence, my normal gestation is about 41 and a bit weeks!!!! What drove me the most crazy was how people comment on how big you are, like you don’t realize it! And as we’ve always taught our boys….it’s never a good idea to comment on a woman’s size or weight….EVER!
Shoot #KCACOLS sorry (claiming mommy brain because I keep forgetting the hashtag)
No worries!x
Well said! Babies (usually) come when they’re ready and not before!
I was induced at 2 weeks overdue with both of mine. After a week I basically went into hiding so I didn’t have to see anyone and have them say ‘Still here then?’ Arggghhhhh!!!
Good plan!
Thanks for popping by!x
My sister was a fortnight late and in the end she turned off her phone so to avoid all social media, whatsapp and the numerous texts from friends asking her if she’d given birth yet. It drove her bonkers. Pen x #KCACOLS
Good plan – I should have done that!
hahaha, I can 100% relate!! My little boy was overdue by 12 days (13 by the time he actually came!) – I’m surprised they let you go 15 days?? I was under the impressions 12/13 was as far as you could go! Bless your heart though, bet you were wishing for a break with one of them at least!
I got so fed up with people asking me if he was here yet or if I’d tried such and such…like no…the baby isn’t here I’M STILL BLOODY PREGNANT and no amount of bumpy car rides is shifting him! hahaha. I joke now and say he’d probably still be inside if I wasn’t induced (had no twinges at all!)
Such a fab post! #KCACKOLS
Becky x
My daughter was born a week after her due date. The thing that bothered me the most was all the talk of sweeps and induction so soon after the due date. I really felt that she would come in her own time so refused to have any sweeps, but there did seem to be a lot of pressure to do it. x #KCACOLS
7&8 totally. I had dreadful insomnia the last few months of my pregannacy and always say it’s got to be your body’s way of preparing you lol.
8 yes. Nest and clean and 6 days later the little bugger still hasn’t arrived and the house is filthy again lol. Again, surely natures way to get you used to the fact you will not be on top of the cleaning again for a very long time lol.
Hope bubba is here now. Overdueness is soooooo uncomfortable huh. If so congrats. If not, bless you, hope all goes smoothly.
Ps. Sooo gonna have to stalk all your SM now to see if bubba has arrived so I can congratulate you.
I remember being overdue with my son, I can relate to so many of these. #KCACOLS
Ours was four days early, that was enough, I can’t imagine having gone overdue. Bless you, I’m glad she came okay eventually. #kcacols
All so very true! I stopped answering the ‘are you still pregnant’ messages! So annoying #KCACOLS
I had Arthur 15 days after his due date after having to be induced, my stretchmarks actually began to bleed from the lack of stretch left in my skin but the thing that really annoyed me was that my ‘highlights’ i had done a few weeks prior to my due date ( in case he was early) looked like a hot mess by the time i gave birth and i had awful roots for all of my new mummy photos. Hoping i dont go overdue with this next one, seeing as im due in august i dont think the summer heat will make things any easier #kcacols
[…] car in these spaces when they clearly don’t have a child with them, most recently when I was almost a week overdue with Littlest […]
I was five weeks “over” with my first, but fortunately had a midwife who was wise enough to know that we must have miscalculated something. My baby was born a normal size, but would have been severely underweight if we had induced her at or around her due date.
It was still difficult because everyone was second guessing our decision and implying that we were bad parents and puttting our child at risk.
I am now three weeks “overdue” with our second and the game has started all over again. Fortunately, it looks like he could be coming tonight or tomorrow.