I know babies don’t come with manuals, but pregnancy should. An honest one, I mean.
I’m now in the third trimester of my third pregnancy and there are so many things midwives and people who have been there, done it and got the t-shirt don’t tell you, from the surprising to the downright weird.
So I thought I’d add to my ever increasing list of things they don’t tell you about parenting – which so far includes such gems as things they don’t tell you about raising a boy, things they don’t tell you about extended breastfeeding and things they don’t tell you about pregnancy after miscarriage with things they don’t tell you about the third trimester either.
10 things they don’t tell you about the third trimester
1. You can feel the baby’s head in your foo-foo, especially when you walk. Which is too weird for words. Enough said.
2. You think there’s absolutely no way the baby can possibly stay in for however many weeks you’ve got left. But they do.
3. People – from family to total strangers – keep telling you how tired you look. Of course you’re bloody tired – you’re growing a baby. Don’t they know this is one of the things you should never say to a pregnant woman?
4. You know exactly how many weeks and days pregnant you are. Whereas you lost track between weeks 20 to 30, by the time you reach the third trimester of the pregnancyΒ the countdown is officially on.
5. Basic ablutions like shaving your bitsΒ becomes an epic job requiring a ridiculous amount of thought, effort and huffing and puffing. How can anything so simple become so complicated?
6. If you were a drinker pre-pregnancy you’re now absolutely gasping for a proper drink. To the point you actually smell other people’s in a bid to imbibe it vicariously.
7. You can feel as wretched as you did in the first trimester. In two out of my three pregnancies the nausea, aversion to smells and metallic taste in my mouth has returned with a vengeance. Worst luck.
8. Heartburn. It doesn’t matter what you do or don’t eat or what time of day you eat it, the chances are heartburn is coming to get you.
9. You can continue running longer than you think. I’ve run into the third trimester of each of my pregnancies and each time I’ve been surprised just how long I’ve been able to carry on for.
10. The baby will keep you awake at night even though it hasn’t been born yet. If I need the loo in the night I tiptoe to the bathroom as slowly and quietly as possible in a bid not to wake the baby. If I fail such is the drumroll inside it can be 45 minutes before I can go back to sleep again.
Do you have experience of the third trimester of pregnancy – either as a mum or a dad? Is there anything I’ve forgotten?
Linking up with…
Oh I remember all of this when I was pregnant. The heartburn was horrific, and the middle of the night baby gymnastics was not fun. Hope the last few weeks are ok for you. #MarvMondays
Thank you!
Ahh this takes me back – I’m currently 20 weeks pregnant with my second baby and am both excited and apprehensive about entering the third trimester again. It’s a tough one that’s for sure! #MarvMondays
Helen x
The beginning of the third trimester is ok but I’m just fed up now!
I only reached 34 weeks last time so didn’t experience these too bad…except the heartburn. And the reflex that went with it and made me feel like puking all the time. Thank god for omeprazole! The running is an achievement though, go you!!!! Thanks for joining us for #marvmondays xx
Yes I feel like puking too – it’s not glamorous at all is it!!
Just reading this has brought back so many feelings and sensations I’d forgotten! #marvmondays
And many of them best left forgotten I bet!
Oh my god the heartburn! When it happened to me I didn’t know what was going on, then I cottoned on but it was horrific and the peeing in the night and basically everything you’ve listed. There is one more I remember my leg having some sort of seizure in the middle of the night – the pain! #MarvMondays
Yes! Leg cramps! I should have added that!
The waddle – maybe related to baby heads in foo foo. But I definately waddled in my last tri. Loved these #marvmondays
Yes I’m waddling everywhere now – can’t wait to be able to walk and run again!
The uncomfiness was my worse!! If that’s a word. Pressure, constant weeing and struggling to play with my daughter! They are just so big! Not long for you Hun! Xx -#twinklytuesday
Yes the pressure can be really intense can’t it, especially when they decide to move around a lot…
I remember all of this so well. The heartburn was the worst! I’d never had it before and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy! X
No I never usually have heartburn either – it’s awful, especially at night when you’re lying down…
Im almost 33 weeks so can relate to a lot of these already… I was sniffing glasses of wine waaaay back in the second trimester so officially gasping for a drink!lol. I only made it to 35 weeks last time so in a big way I am hoping we cannget to atleast 37 this time… even if it does mean a lot of discomfort. Anything to keep us out of neonatal will be fine by me! #twinklytuesdays
Fingers crossed for you and good luck!
Oh goodness it all came flooding back reading this. The only thing I was lucky with was I never had heartburn with either of my girls. They both came out with a full head of hair, so there goes that myth X #marvmondays
It’s funny how we forget about it all afterwards isn’t it!
Aw, I am 21 weeks pregnant and counting down already! So hoping that my third trimester doesn’t bring back my first trimester symptoms – I don’t know how I got through those 12 weeks. Great post to prepare for the possibilities the last stage of pregnancy can bring. x
Hope I’m not putting anyone off though!
Oh yes, I can remember most of these pretty well. I struggled with sleep so bad! #MarvMondays
I guess it’s nature’s way of preparing us for what’s to come…
And the constant asking of ‘you must be due any day now’ that drove me insane during the 3rd trimester. Along with the heartburn?! #twinklytuesday
Yes – I should have added that one too – the constant enquiries!
Haha yes, so true! I was *lucky* in that I was induced with my youngest three at 35 weeks and so I missed just over a month of the last trimester. I remember with my eldest two just how long those last few weeks dragged, and how uncomfortable I was too! #TwinklyTuesday
It gets to the point when you think there can’t possibly be any more space in there!
Oh yes! I’m currently 39 weeks and ready to pop, getting bored now. Mainly bored of people saying “haven’t you had that baby yet? No I bloody haven’t, do you think I’d still be waddling around looking like a weeble!!”. The night time wees drive me mad…how much wee can one body produce? Baffling!!
Yes to all of this!
This is all very true. It’s amazing how quickly you forget it all though once baby has arrived! Thanks for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday
Yes that’s very true – the brain is a clever thing!!
My mummy remembers that feeling of the pressure in her foo-foo all too well. What they don’t tell you is that the fourth trimester is EVEN worse! π #TwinklyTuesday xx
Let’s not go there!
I remember most of these! For me the third trimester was a time when everyone kept saying to me “ooh you look like you’re about to pop!” Which was fine at 39 weeks but not so good at 32 when I still had two months left! #twinklytuesday
Yes I know exactly what you mean – at 40+ weeks it’s now driving me potty!!
[…] pregnancy has inspired such posts as things they don’t tell you about the third trimester, thingsΒ they don’t tell you about being overdue, things they don’t tell you about […]