You guessed it. I’m talking about the man who parks in parent & child parking bays at the supermarket even though he’s not a parent and he doesn’t have a child.
Or should I say the total ar*e who parks in parent and child parking bays even though he’s not a parent and he doesn’t have a child.
I know barely a week goes by when you don’t read a story about angry parents up in arms about motorists flouting the parent and child parking bay rules at supermarkets, but what really riled me about the latest story to hit the headlines is the brass neck of the culprit in question.
To the man who parks in parent & child parking bays
‘Andrew’ (he doesn’t have the balls to reveal his surname for fear of ‘retaliation’) from Cheshire told national newspapers the reason he parks his Chrysler in the spaces reserved for parents with children at his local Sainsbury’s is because it would get ‘dents from old grannies’ if he parked in the normal spaces, and using the parent and child spaces is the only way he can make sure his precious car won’t get scratches.
An angry parent left a note on his windscreen pointing out he was parked in the wrong spot but instead of acknowledging his mistake and parking somewhere else he decided to take to a national newspaper to call them petty.
I always take people to task when I catch them getting into or out of a car in these spaces when they clearly don’t have a child with them, most recently when I was almost a week overdue with Littlest B.
I had both BB and Little B with me and owing to all the parent and child bays being taken I had to park on the far side of the supermarket car park.
After squeezing myself and my massive belly out of the crevice between our car and the one parked next to me I then had to squeeze BB out of the back and hope she stayed standing where I told her to as cars rolled by and I squeezed Little B out of the other side.
We then waddled (ok I waddled, they walked) across the busy supermarket car park only to get to the store entrance to find a perfectly able lady and her husband without a child getting back into their car in the closest parent and child parking bay to the shop.
I was livid, and I told her so.
In this woman’s defence she was very sorry and apologised profusely, and it’s probably safe to say she won’t park there again.
But ‘Andrew’ appears to be so utterly without remorse, understanding or basic human decency (a bit like the man who wouldn’t give me his seat on the bus) that I doubt a tirade from an angry, hormonal, overdue mum like me is going to make any difference.
So I just have this to say to him:
Parking your car in the parent and child bays at the supermarket might stop it from getting scratched, but it’s not going to stop it from getting keyed. Quite the opposite, in fact. But then, I’m probably just being petty.
What do you think? Have you ever taken anyone to task about parking in parent and child parking bays when they haven’t got a child with them? Do you think supermarkets should do more to police these spaces?
This drives me crazy, although I have to admit I take the more passive agresdive action of glaring or talking loudly about inconsiderate people.
I think the one exception is when the person abviously has some mobility problem. I used to take my mother to the supermarket occasionally. She has dimentia so couldn’t be dropped off while I parked and needs help to get in and out of the car. Sometimes I had no choice but to use a parent or child space.
Equally if someone had a passenger on crutches for example it wouldn’t bother me.
Absolutely! Drives me wild, too. I haven’t actually keyed any of these selfish bast***’s cars yet, but I have been SO tempted. Inappropriate use of disabled slots is another one which makes me incandescent with rage. In France they use a sign in the disabled bays which says ‘If you want me parking sot, take my disabilty too’. Great idea. Supermarkets should definitely do more to enforce the reserved parking areas. There are always employees out there collecting trolleys – perhaps they could be trained to be parking enforcement people as well?
I think I’m the only mother in the world who isn’t bothered by parent and baby spaces! I think all spaces just need to be wider because people drive massive cars these days and even though they fit in a normal space when loads are parked side by side, nobody can get in and out easily. Not just moms! So non-parents get pissed off because of the ‘entitled’ element to it. One of the shopping centres near me has recently refurbed and just widened every space, problem solved! Massive cars can fit in, pushchairs and seats can fit in and out and theres no fighting for designated spaces! #BloggersBest
I get sooooo p****d off with this and I see it so often. The whole purpose is for the safety of the kids and to protect the nearby cars. That is it! I wouldn’t care if they were a little walk away as long as I had space. Drives me mad. Thanks for sharing with #bloggersbest x
As a mum of six children this really does make me mad, the spaces are for us mums to have more room to manoeuvre car seats, baby’s and all the paraphernalia that goes with it. I did read that Tesco was going to fine people £25 for parking in them without children. #bloggersbest
It really winds me up – whether you agree or not with the concept of having these spaces (which I do!!!) is really irrelevent; they are there, they have a specific criteria for use, if you don’t meet that criteria, park somewhere else and don’t be an arse!!! #CoolMumClub
I just think this is indicative of the growing level of thoughtlessness and inconsideration in this country and it makes me so angry! If we all went around doing what we felt like and brushing things off as petty where would we all be? Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub lovely xoxo
It really grinds my gears simply because you have a child doesn’t mean that you’re in need of a space. A woman thinking her children who were at least 12 or 14 were in more need than me with a pushchair, baby and a toddler. #KCACOLS
I hate it! They drive me loopy!! I no longer park there as my children are 6 and 9, so I feel they are for those who need the space for car seats (and big bellies) but then I am not an a**e like “Andrew”
So unbelievably inconsiderate, arrogant and selfish. I believe in karma though. He’ll get his comeuppance. Pen x #KCACOLS
If you haven’t had to take kids to the shops you probably won’t understand how important it is to have a space where there is room to open car doors and minimise the distance between car and shop. It’s easy to forget how dangerous car parks are especially for children shorter than the height of the windscreen.
That’s annoying but forgiveable. The guy in the paper though is something else.
we never park at the child parking unless we have our son in the car with us, now that he’s almost two we barely use the buggy so we leave that spot for parents with smaller babies honestly. I understand your frustration #KCACOLS
Couldn’t agree more! Now, I’m not advocating keying a car but it really makes you want to do something when you are faced with this scenario! It’s not just about having the bigger space though is it? As my baby as grown I’ve also appreciated the clear path to the supermarket with a toddler who likes to run over to cars to examine them and the short distance we have to walk. I hope Andrew gets his comeuppance!
yep it winds me up no end. but I can’t be bothered to confront people about it tbh. I think places should pop them further from the door. the issue isn’t really distance but more space. people only take the piss parking in them coz they are close and cant be bothered to walk. #KCACOLS
It does make me cross. When my dad was very ill, I had to use the parent and child spaces to get him out of the car and into his wheelchair as there were non disabled people parked in the disabled spaces. All the parents I encountered the few times I had to do this were perfectly understanding of our situation. I would never park in parent and child spaces if I didn’t have my kids with me. And now they are older I don’t use them at all. I think a sly key down the side of “Andrew’s” car is the least he deserves.
It’s great that you challenge these people! What also drives me nuts is when people with older children that can walk perfectly fine use them or a parent or carer stays sat in the car with the children!
As for that man, I really don’t know what is wrong with people these days #KCACOLS
Oh I am totally with you on this. It winds me up something rotten. I see it so often at my local morrisons and it’s usually big fancy cars!! Glad you challenge them x
Thanks for joining #KCACOLS
Its the equivalent of parking in the disabled/handicapped spot if you ask me! Horrible. How do these people sleep at night anyway? #KCACOLS xoxo
I saw it and was absolutely seething!! I mean what the hell was wrong with that guy? Apart from his obvious tiny penis down below and big one of his head?! Great post
Thanks for linking to #ablogginggoodtime
“Andrew” is clearly not a nice man. Parking is a nightmare at times – my 11 year old son is disabled so the big annoyance here is people abusing the Blue Badge Bays. What happened to kindness, compassion and thinking of others? #KCACOLS
Every Chrysler in Cheshire now is a target for ‘accidental’ scratching. I can’t believe the gall of the man. #kcacols
I really hate it:/ Yesterday we went for shopping with our son and some young couple parked in the parent’s space. Obviously, they were without kids but with a bottle of vodka in their hands:/
Although this grates on me I’ve only ever screamed at a man for this once and he was being the politest ever. Although he was in the wrong. He caught me on a really bad day and I cried all the way home that I had been so dreadful to him.
Genuinely car parks just need to start making spaces larger although then here will be less spaces and we will all still be arguing.
Oh it drives me MAD! I always end up saying something as I walk past these kind of people or give them this stare! I get even angrier if we’re not able to find a space in a parent and child bay but I see someone with no kids there! #KCACOLS
If he doesn’t want to get his car bashed then he can park at the far side of the car park – you know where they are spaces because it’s so far away from the shop that grannies can’t park there!! #kcacols