Sugar and spice and all things nice. Thatβs what girls are made of if the popular nursery rhyme is to be believed, while boys are made of slugs and snails and puppy dogsβ tails.
But as mum to two girls as well as a boy I’ve realised there’s a lot they don’t tell you about raising girls.
While there’s lots of information out there about the perils of raising boys (some of it funny, some of it not) there’s not half as much information about what it’s really like raising girls.
So, on the eve of my youngest daughter’s second birthday, I thought it would be fun to share what I’ve discovered in two years raising two girls.
10 things they don’t tell you about raising girls
1. Girls are easier than boys. Or my girls are anyway. I’d go as far as to say one boy is harder than two girls put together.
2. Dressing girls is way more fun than dressing boys. There are more colours, more choice and youβll wish they did them in adult sizes too.
3. People will refer to them as a ‘he’ when ‘he’ is quite clearly a she. Especially strangers on buses.
4. Gender stereotyping starts from the moment they are born. Pink fluffy booties, plastic irons and fuscia kitchen sets. And itβll make your blood boil.
5. Girls can scream. I mean really scream. Ear piercing, glass shattering screams.
6. You’ll glimpse the teenager they’re going to become before they can even talk. And you’re already afraid. Very afraid.
7. They’ll wear your shoes from the moment they can stand. And your heart melts every time you see them clippety clopping around the house.
8. Doing hair is a lot more complicated than it looks. It doesn’t matter how many YouTube videos I watch, I still can’t get the hang of a French plait. You’ve either got it, or you haven’t.
9. They’re like a mirror into the past. Especially if they look like you. Youβll remember all sorts of things from your own childhood β things you thought youβd forgotten.
10. People of a certain generation will say things like ‘you’ll have to marry a rich man’ in response to their hopes and dreams. And it’ll drive you potty.
Are you mum β or dad β to girls? Does any of the above resonate with you? Iβd love to hear about your experience!
My eldest was thought to be a boy in her froggy pyjamas by hospital staff and I’ve never been able to French plait my own hair let alone the girls #MMBC
Agree with all of these. And I can’t do a french plait either! #KCACOLS
I may have to differ on number 1, with 5 boys and 1 girl I can’t imagine having it the other way round. #KCACOLS
love this. I was surprised by how early mine became aware that there were some things that were supposed to be “for boys.” Something I’ve been fighting against from the beginning. #KCACOLS
I am a mom of TWO boys! I can’t imagine having a girl. However, we are planning on trying one more time, maybe it will be a girl? Who knows?! This was interesting to read about having little girls. “Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next time”
This is all so true! I so agree with you on the French plait. YouTube videos make doing hair look much easier than it is!
Loved reading this. I agree with it all except the boys being harder. My two boys have been a lot easier than The Little Lady. Oh, the hair! How many hours of French Plait instructional videos do you have to watch on YouTube before you realise that you should be watching videos about getting the little lady to actually sit with her head still instead. #ItsOK
Girlβs hair is totally beyond me. Mine had short hair for years and is now growing it because she wants a french plait, she is going to be disappointed! #itsok
You are so on point here. Thank goodness my Mrs. can do the hair, and enough with the gender stereotyping! When will it end? #kcacols xoxo
I can relate to these points even though I have boys, kids are kids at the end of the day X #ablogginggoodtime
I’m mum to a girl and now a boy too, so when you say girls are easier than boys I’m worried! I’m rubbish at doing hairstyles, especially getting the parting straight! #itsok
I loved reading this so much. Brought back so many memories. Yes I agree – dressing girls is so much more fun. Hairstyles? Yup, very difficult and glimpsing their teenage years – totally check! Mine is now a teen! x #ablogginggoodtime
Haha, I totally agree! And the screams, yes the screams are so ear piercing! I’m still trying to master the hair thing…when she actually sits still enough! #KCACOLS
I do not have it when it comes to French plaits! I have always been in awe of people who can do them, especially those magicians who can do them on their own hair! x #KCACOLS
You’re so right about clothing. There’s no where near as much choice for boys.
Gender stereotyping is ridiculous and I completely understand your reaction to ‘marrying a rich man’ as life advice! #KCACOLS
Number 10 is interesting. I’m going to listen out for it. I think it does still get said a lot. What a bunch of dunderheads we are! #KCACOLS
with 2 girls and 1 boy I have certainly had lots of being mummy of a girl experience and I am still trying to figure it all out, their clothes choices are amazing!!!!! I can not do french plaits but my 14 year old can! The marry a rich man makes me furious!!!!!!!!!! My girls loved wearing my clothes and shoes and jewellery, but now my 14 year old is taller than me and has bigger feet, girls are awesome! thanks for sharing this with us for A Blogging Good Time #ABloggingGoodTime
OK, I love this post, but I respectfully have to disagree! 1. I have 3 boys and 2 girls and I find girls much more difficult than boys, its seems to me that they are born with the hormones of a 16 yo… 2. All my boys have slept much better than my girls as well! And, they scream far worse than any of my girls have… 3. My boys love wearing my shoes, just as much as my girls – gender stereotyping ? I thin it all depends on the personality traits that they are born with… Nonetheless. kids are just exhausting, but, we will get through it! Thanks for sharing with #itsok!
Absolutely! Agree with all of this. The gender stereotyping is a huge problem that I think most people just shrug off … because they are girls.
Shoes is such a big one in my house – soon she will own more than me! Popping back over from #KCACOLS.
All of these made me laugh. My friends actually said that boys are easier than girls though. And I now tend to agree! #KCACOLS
Dressing boys can be fun if you ignore what ‘gender’ the clothes are made for. #kcacols