What do you hate most about being a mum?
If the answer’s nothing then I’m sorry but I don’t believe you!
Motherhood is without a doubt one of the best things I’ve ever done, but at the same time there’s no getting away from the fact some aspects of it are just a little bit pants. Or quite a lot pants.
With our oldest about to turn seven I’ve been thinking back about what I’ve learnt about motherhood in that time, and it turns out there are actually quite a lot of things I hate.
10 things I hate most about being a mum
1. The lack of sleep. Nothing prepares you.
2. The wiping. No words needed.
3. The washing mountain. As a mum of three I seriously wonder if I’ll ever see the bottom of our dirty laundry basket ever again. It’s endless. Thankfully my dirty secret Stuart is on hand to help.
4. The jabs. After three babies it doesn’t get any easier – holding their podgy little legs and hearing them wail as the nurse sinks the needle in. Simply awful.
5. The forms. From the two-year developmental check forms (‘after a raisin is dropped into a clear plastic bottle, does your child turn the bottle upside down to tip out the raisin?’ Absolutely no idea, funnily enough I’ve never done that) to the dreaded school application forms, why does nobody warn you about the forms? Form filling ought to be included in parenting preparation classes. (If you’ve got an older one starting University help is on hand: Allen and Jain Education offer an ‘education concierge’ service in which they’ll fill in the forms for you, which they reckon frees up four months of time, allowing parents and students to focus on their exams).
6. Sports day. Of all the school events this is the one I hate the most. The standing around, the sheer amount of time it takes to heard umpteen kids into place for each race. Quite frankly it’s boring – just one of the 10 things they don’t tell you about sports day.
7. The CBeebies loop of doom. I must credit Claire at Life, Love and Dirty Dishes for coining this phrase. When CBeebies has been on so long what already aired in the morning comes on to haunt you again.
8. The Tic Tac Toy family. If you haven’t had the pleasure, lucky you. For the uninitiated they’re a family of You Tubers from Arizona with a channel dedicated to unboxing toys and playing a ‘fake’ Toys R Us game and my older two love them. The trouble is the woman has the most irritating, screeching voice you’ve ever heard in your life. Think nails down a blackboard.
9. Wobbly teeth. When they’re hanging on by a thread and they insist on wobbling them with their tongue right in front of your face at every available opportunity. I just can’t bear it.
10. Ironing. I just do the collars if I can get away with it.
What do you hate most about being a mum? Or do you love everything about it, wiping and all? I’d love to know!
This post was written in collaboration with Allen and Jain Education.
Yes to most of these and the CBeebies loop of doom is a brilliant phrase. That’s the point when I realise the TV has been on far too long! I’d also add dinner time to the list – all those times when it seems I prepare a meal purely to feed the food waste bin despite the near constant whines of “I’m hungry” that I get before and after preparing said meal.
Haha! Yes to all of this. I used to be cool and go out in the car with Metallica blaring out of the speakers, now when we get in the car, you can’t hear yourself think over the noise coming from the iPads in the back! And the most exciting conversation is – Who needs a wee stop?!
I don’t know how I cope with my rock and roll lifestyle.
Thanks so much for joining in with #MMBC. I hope you can make it tomorrow. xx
Ahh! I am so glad my girls have grown out of Cbeebies! lol
I hate it when I sit down and then my girls get all needy….Even though I have spent the last couple of hours pandering to their needs. lol #MMBC
The “loop of Doom” Love it! #DreamTeam
The endless picking up and putting away … Just never stops!
Oh what? Poppy has her 2 year check in Friday and I’ve not filled in the form yet! Urgh! If my husband had his way she wouldn’t even go as he doesn’t see the point of a HV telling us she’s “normal”! I;m with you on the CBeebies loop though or the same bloody episode of Peppa Pig again!! #bloggersbest x
Can so relate. I hate all the washing and ironing and probably the constant want for me from one of them. It’s never ending !! Thanks for sharing with #bloggersbest x
The washing mountain! How is it possible for little people that small to fill up the entire basket. It’s a complete mystery to me. These days I hardly ever get to the bottom and keep it that way for more that 12 hours. It gets better right ? Someone say yes! Thanks for joining us for the #dreamteam Natalie xx
“The CBeebies Loop of Doom” – hahaha sooo funny! And yes wobbly teeth just freak me out and my 7yo insists on showing me hers. Bleugh!
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