So the countdown is on: the middle one starts school in September and we’re in the midst of form-filling and uniform buying ahead of the big day.
This got me thinking about the first time around, and all the things I wish I’d known before the oldest started school but nobody actually tells you.
I don’t mean official things, like what time the school day starts and when the holidays are, I mean unspoken things that you only unwittingly find out through experience.
So, for any first timers out there, I thought it would be fun to pen a tongue-in-cheek post on what the forms and meetings don’t tell you when your child starts school.
10 things nobody tells you when your child starts school
1. Empty nest syndrome isn’t just something that happens when they leave home. It happens with they start school too – and the silence at home is deafening.
2. No longer having to come up with different lunch ideas every day is the best. Assuming you’re taking advantage of free school meals for key stage one, of course. And make the most of it – by the time they’re seven it’s down to you again.
3. You have no idea what key stage one actually means and nod along politely – then have to google it.
4. There’s no such thing as blackboards anymore. They have ‘interactive white boards’ instead – and you have to google what that is too.
5. Getting white board marker out of school uniform is a bit*h. Who in their right mind gives a white board marker to a four-year-old?
6. There’ll be an Alpha mum. And a Beta one too. Trust me.
7. There’ll come a time when your child is the one who doesn’t get invited to the party. And it’ll hurt you more than it does them.
8. Your phone and inbox will suddenly become swamped with school-rated notifications: ParentMail, ParentPay, newsletters – the list goes on.
9. You’ll lie at parents’ evening. Of course you read every newsletter.
10. You’ll cry at their first nativity. Even though you promised yourself you wouldn’t. And so will everyone else.
Do you have a little one starting school this year? Have you been there, done it and got the t-shirt too, or are you a first timer? I’d love to hear about your experience!
yes them markers are annoying and so write about alpha and beta mums lol x #thatfridaylinky
You’ll cry at the Nativity and if you are pregnant when you go to the Nativity you should take with you life jackets for all other audience members due to the amount of proud crying you will do thanks to the hormones!!! #MMBC
Popping back again from #KCACOLS
I’m a first timer and this is brilliant, thank you! I’m so looking forward to one less packed lunch to make – even though I know Thomas won’t even any of the school food. I’m hoping he’ll crack under peer pressure! #ItsOK
I love being able to have whatever I want to eat during the day instead having to have sensible lunches. I ate reckon I ate nothing but chocolate and crisps for the first term! #itsok
My daughter just finished her first year at school on Friday and I was as tearful as the day she started. It all seemed so sad watching her leave with her schoolbag and all the artwork she had done throughout the year. She has grown and matured so much that I find myself feeling all emotional again! #itsok
YES to all of these. My youngest is just finishing Year 1 and we have had non-stop parties. My eldes is in Year 3 and hasn’t had one invite. It’s very distressing!
Thanks for linking up to #itsok linky
Yes to all of this! The blackboard maker and the constant updates especially #itsok
Great list, three years on I still can’t keep up with the emails, twitter, demands for money, non uniform days etc etc! #KCACOLS
At one point I had three kids at three different schools. I only read one newsletter a week…When I said this, I got a few looks that made me realise I was the worst parent in the world. Now with just two newsletters to read, I’m working a bit harder on it. It would be easier to read if it wasn’t full of such crap (yes, I am the worst parent in the world). Ha! #KCACOLS
This is funny. I am looking forward to all of them! #KCACOLS
The blackboard one made me giggle a little, and makes me a feel a little old! Ha! Thank you so much for linking up with us for #KCACOLS and we hope to see you soon.