I don’t mean their birthday, I mean your birthday.
Surely I can’t be alone in thinking birthdays are better when you become a mum?
I’m celebrating my seventh birthday as a mum this year and I’ve come to the conclusion that grown-up birthdays are a whole lot better when there are little people around.
With the exception of ‘big’ birthdays, between being a child myself and being a mum birthdays became a bit, well, boring. That’s all changed since the arrival of the kids though, and here’s why.
5 ways birthdays are better when you’re a mum
1. The day becomes an event again. The kids count down the days, there’s lots of whispering about presents and their excitement is contagious. You find yourself looking forward to your birthday in a way you haven’t since you were a child yourself.
2. There’s the potential for more presents. One from each child, if you’re really lucky.
3. There’s a chance you’ll get an afternoon off in the lead up to the big day, when your other half takes them into town to buy the aforementioned presents. Which is a gift in itself.
4. It’s an excuse to eat cake. Buying or making a cake when it’s just you or you and your other half around seems a bit extravagant, but when there are kids in the house it’s expected. Because like my oldest quite rightly points out, you can’t have a birthday without cake.
5. You can blag a day off. As a knackered mum you can legitimately milk your birthday for all its worth: no dishwasher emptying, no washing machine loading and definitely no wiping. Because with the exception of Mother’s Day, if you can’t have a day off on your birthday, then when can you?
Have you found birthdays better since becoming a mum (or dad)? Do you find yourself getting more excited than you did pre-kids? I’d love to know!
I have found it the opposite, my birthday is one week after my son’s birthday and is totally overlooked. My in-laws had a celebration in honour of mine and my son’s birthday on arrival there was no mention of my birthday. This didn’t make me feel great when my birthday has been overlooked since my son’s arrival. l have vowed it will be better next year, there will be no shared celebrations and there will be birthday cake. I will be sharing this post with my husband to make sure next year’s birthday is a day to look forward to.
Yes. I love birthdays lately. But I think it’s because we now host a big summer BBQ party. Both for my birthday and the start of the summer holidays. I turned 38 a couple of weeks ago too. I’m not quite sure how I got here so soon. Happy birthday xxx
I have only had one birthday as a mum so far, and it was amazing because I had my baby girl but I obviously didn’t get half of the feelings you describe here, maybe in a few years when my girl is a bit older
It is more fun when you have kiddies isn’t it?! Well apart from when they keep reminding me that I’m almost as old as a dinosaur! The cheek of it!
Thanks so much for sharing with #MMBC. x
hehehe! I love birthdays as a mam. I always milk it and have the day off. #MMBC
I’ve now had 30 birthdays as a Mum and it has it’s ups and downs over the years. A couple of years ago my birthday was completely overlooked by nearly everyone, but I did get loads of presents, cards and a big party…but they were for my wedding day because I got married on my birthday.
I love my birthdays again now im a mum, gives me extra excuse to celebrate and make a bit of fuss. Plus my boys love a bit of cake and balloons
These are great points. I’m 40 in a couple of weeks(!!) and I’m not sure it’ll be the birthday I’d thought I’d have at 40, given we have a 3 year old and 3 month old, but we’re planning a special family holiday early next year to celebrate properly! #dreamteam
More presents! That sounds wonderful! #DreamTeam
These don’t apply to me! My birthday is the day after my eldest’s so is always a bit of an anti climax! My kids aren’t old enough to sort presents on their own so no extra pressies. I’m wheat free so if I want a cake I have to make it myself #bloggerclubuk