The Lost Sleep Of Motherhood is starting to catch up with me – again.
It’s now three months since Littlest B graced us with her presence which means it’s been a good four months since I had a decent night’s sleep.
The trouble with baby number three is that there simply isn’t a chance to catch up on that lost sleep – there’s too much else going on.
So how can you help yourself feel better when circumstances are conspiring against you? These are my thoughts.
5 ways to feel instantly better
1. Have a bath. I don’t mean the sort of bath when one of them comes in for a great big poo while you’re in it, I mean the sort when the kids are out of the way and you can lie back and relax.
2. Go for a walk. There’s nothing like a good walk to blow away the cobwebs, especially if you’ve had the kind of day when everything that can go wrong has gone wrong. Like the front wheel of the double buggy falling off half way round the supermarket and you’re due at school pick up in 15 minutes. (Wish I’d made that one up, but I haven’t…)
3. Go for a run. I once wrote a post about 5 ways running will change your life, and I really think it can. There’s nothing quite like hot footing it away from the chaos for an hour of pure, unadulterated time to yourself. Run Forest run!
4. Pour a glass of wine. Sometimes the only thing that gets me through the day is the thought of the glass of wine I’m going to pour at the end of it. Don’t feel guilty about it, embrace it! Although possibly not at 8am. Although I’m not judging.
5. Chat to a mum (or dad) friend. There’s nothing quite like talking to a fellow parent to put things in perspective. There’s always someone who’s more tired than you, and the chances are you’re doing great.
Do you have any hints or tips for feeling better in the face of the Lost Sleep Of Motherhood? I’d love to hear what they are!
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Completely agree. This would be my 5 ways without hesitation. #familyfun
Natalie, I am so with you on this. My second week back at work and I’ve caught a whole host of bugs since little C started nursery. I thought as a #newmumover40 that I’d be immune to all the nasties by now…it looks like everything has mutated over the years! I’ll follow your top tips here and write a blog post at on the back of our poorliness!
Well if I can swap the wine to my choice of drink or even chocolate while in a solo bath after having just been for a run I’d think I’ll be winning!! I’ve given up on the running while I’ve got little kids though as finding the time alone is hard but we get out walking a lot so that’s good! Thank you for linking up to the #familyfunlinky
I agree. Fresh air, wine and baths are great. There is also something about allowing yourself not to do everything. Take the pressure off. #familyfunlinky
can’t think of anything to add. A nice walk outside, with the quiet that goes along with it, can do wonders #familyfun
I love this post! I’m just about to publish a Vlog about having ‘one of those days’ and in it I go for a walk to help cheer me up! Would love to include this post in it to help other people feel better too #coolmumclub
A nice walk is the best medicine! #coolmumclub
Oh I’m so there with you in the sleep deprivation. Our five month old woke up 3 times last night … and that was the best night we’ve ever had with him 😮 love your tips. Today, to make myself feel better, I have put on a slightly nicer outfit than normal, bothered to do my make-up, opened all the windows, and will go for a walk with the baby in the carrier later. Fresh air definitely helps! #coolmumclub
I go to the gym instead of running, it is my time. A bath is definitely a great way to relax and chill.
Cant think of better advice! Talking to another mym can sometimes be a lifesaver-and the odd glass of chilled sauvignon has saved me once or twice! Eish i had more of a.chmace for a nive batj i love a soak! Great post!#coolmumclub
Yes to all these things! I’d add arrange something to look forward to – be it a date night, a mini break, a holiday…the prospect of better times ahead to focus on is a real game changer for me!
Thanks for sharing with #coolmumclub – hope you get some kip soon!
I would agree with all of these – I love a run and a glass of wine too (currently have one on the go at the mo). I might also add some mindful meditation of course…. 🙂 xx #familyfun
Me again for #ablogginggoodtime – I hope you get a bit more sleep tonight. xx
Ha ha love this, had me nodding along to all of them #TheListLinky
I’m probably a bit too reliant on that glass of wine I like to Listen to music too. Thank you for linking up to #ablogginggoodtime
I guess it comes down to the individual and their likes. To me immersing myself in crafts can be rather therapeutic as can being comfortably clothed. #coolmumclub
I can totally second the bath, although I can’t remember the last time I had an uninterrupted one. And getting out in the fresh air always helps clear my head and cheer me up.
Ooooh I totally agree with these. Especially the baths and wine haha #familyfun
Reclaim an hour of your day. When I was on maternity leave, I’d shower in the evening and pamper myself a bit after we’d had dinner. For one hour, my husband would hold the fort whatever was going on and however much CJ whinged. More importantly, I wouldn’t run into the lounge / nursery at the first cry like I normally would, I needed that hour for my sanity.
Yes!! Agree with all of these! Sharing #abloggingoodtime
Agreed!!! I wish I could run AFTER the wine! What a rush!!!! #thelistlinky
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Loving those green sparkly nails. I hope your sleep has got a little better since writing this. Mich x
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