Breast milk. They call it liquid gold, and it turns out it really is.

Having exclusively breastfed all three of my babies I’ve discovered there’s so much more you can do with it than just feeding a baby.

7 amazing uses for breast milk

After advising a friend who’s just started breastfeeding to use breast milk instead of nipple balm to soothe her you-know-whats it occurred to me that breast milk can help the whole family in one way or another.

Over the years I’ve used it on various members of mine – including myself – and I always keep a ‘spare’ bag in the freezer just in case. With that in mind today I’m bringing you 7 amazing uses for breast milk other than feeding a baby!

7 amazing uses for breast milk

1. Make eye drops. A few drops of breast milk either directly in the eye or on a cotton wool pad can cure everything from sties to eye infections thanks to its amazing antibodies. I know because I’ve used it on myself!

2. Use it to treat ear infections. Thanks to the aforementioned antibodies a few drops of breast milk in the entrance to the ear can help clear up an ear infection without a trip to the doctors.

3. Apply it to cracked and sore nipples. Forget nipple cream – if you’re in the early stages of breastfeeding and things are a little sore in the lady bits department a spot of breast milk, which is antiseptic, will work a treat!

4. It can help heal nappy rash. Just like your lady bits, breastmilk can help heal a sore bottom too. You can either apply it directly or add a cupful to a bath, so that the water turns cloudy.

5. Use it as a moisturiser. Breast milk is sterile which makes it perfect for red or broken skin. Littlest B sucks her fingers and often has red cheeks because she’s constantly swiping saliva over them, so I rub a few drops of breast milk into them to help soothe and heal them.


6. It can help soothe chicken pox. As well as red or broken skin breast milk will take away the itchiness that comes with chicken pox – just use it as you would if you were moisturising.

7. You can make jewellery out of it! If you’d like a lasting reminder of your amazing breast milk you can have a sample solidified and turned into a piece of jewellery to keep as a memento. I love the idea of this and am seriously considering it!

Have you ever used breast milk for more than just feeding a baby? Do you have any clever uses for it? I’d love to hear what they are!

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