What you can and can’t eat, what you can and can’t drink and the general inconvenience of it all.
It’s fair to say I’m not one of those people who enjoys being pregnant.
With the exception of feeling those little kicks and the second trimester when you feel vaguely human again, for me the best bit about pregnancy is not being pregnant anymore.
Especially when it gets to the last few weeks and all the things they don’t tell you about the third trimester start getting you down, and especially if you go overdue and all the things they don’t tell you about that get you down too.
The 10 best things about not being pregnant
1. You can finally have a guilt-free drink. Pass the prosecco please.
2. Being able to soak in a steaming hot bath without worrying about the temperature.
3. Eating pate. So far I’ve had pate on toast or crackers every day since Littlest B was born on Valentine’s Day. Because you always want what you can’t have.
4. Ditto brie and mould-ripened cheese. Although I haven’t eaten it every day. Honest.
5. Being able to roll over in bed without having to either hold on to something while hauling yourself into a different position or spending five minutes beforehand working out how on earthΒ you’re going to do it.
6. Putting on socks without having to do it sideways and one handed.
7. Ditto shoes.
8. You can finally walk normally instead of waddling.
9. Rediscovering your pre-baby wardrobe. Bye bye leggings, hello jeans.
10. You finally get to meet the cause of all your aforementioned woes, which absolutely has to be the best thing about not being pregnant.
A post shared by Natalie Brown (@confessionsofacrummymummy) on
Did you enjoy being pregnant or did you hate it? What’s the best thing you found about not being pregnant anymore? I’d love to hear your thoughts!
Linking up with…
I hated it! I never want to be pregnant again! Not only all the stuff you can’t do and can’t reach, but I had high risk pregnancies along with hyperemesis gravidarum the whole time, hypersalivation (gross) and pregnancy anemia! It was not fun! Never ever again! π #thelistlinky
God I missed pate and bred cheese! Pregnancy was not fun!! #TheLinkyList
Two things:
Nuff said x
I think I might be broody now my youngest is 3, because this has actually just made me miss being pregnant! I love the last point on your list though, that is the best part of not being pregnant any more! x #TheListLinky
This list made me giggle. I haven’t been pregnant for almost 9 year but I honestly was so miserable. Reading stuff like this always makes me laugh. Thanks for the share! #TheList
For me the best part is not pooping my pants anymore.
I love this! All of these points are still fresh in my memory with my youngest being 7 months. Can quite happily say I do not want to be pregnant again. Xx #TheListLinky
Oh congratulations beautiful – I’m just catching up! Oh how exciting, I hope you’re both well π And YES to all of this above – oh bring on the prosecco and brie! x x #thelistlinky
Congratulations! Totally blue cheese and brie for me! #coolmumclub
I loved being pregnant but I missed pate and blue cheese. Definitely with you that the best bit is meeting that little bundle at the end of it all though! π #coolmumclub
Ha ha, yes to all of these things in the first 6 months of your babies life…then slowly slowly the bump envy creeps in and you remember being preggers with nothing but rose tinted glasses right? #Tempted #ButNotThatTempted
Thanks for reminding me why π
And thanks for linking with #coolmumclub!
Haha! just talking about all of these with a friend this morning! x
I really don’t miss waking up to pee every half an hour at night time! #coolmumclub
I found it hard – the first trimester feeling so ill and the last aching and with a bit of spd. It’s tough growing a human!! #coolmumclub
I missed eating runny eggs so much..hubby made me them for breakfast the day after I had both my babies. Also, the rolling over in bed thing..I don’t miss that at all!!xx #coolmumclub