5 ways to survive Easter weekendI’m so glad it’s Easter! After working overtime to make up for the fact there’s two bank holidays in a row (which essentially means you do the same amount of work in less time) I can’t wait for some time off this weekend.

I’m looking forward to spending some real quality time with the children without trying to do five other things at once, hopefully having a bit of time to myself too and of course eating chocolate.

But while I have visions of baking with BB, hunting for chocolate eggs amongst the daffodils with Little B and curling up and reading books with the pair of them in the evening, just like Mothering Sunday there’s the potential for it all to go a bit wrong what with the combination of Easter bunny excitement and all that sugar. Especially if the weather’s bad and we end up cooped up inside.

So I’ve pre-planned 5 ways to survive Easter weekend:

1. Dilute the mayhem with as many family and friends as possible. More hands make light work and the more adults there are around, the easier it is to cope with over-excited kids. We’re decamping to both sets of grandparents’ houses where there’ll also be lots of aunties and uncles on hand to help out.

5 ways to survive Easter weekend 1

2. Plan some rainy day activities. There’s nothing worse than hearing the drone ‘I’m bored’ so if the weather isn’t so good have some indoor activities up your sleeve. I love this slow cooker fudge recipe by You Baby Me Mummy which has just four ingredients, is really easy to make and best of all doesn’t make too much mess. We’ve already made some to give away as Easter presents and I’ve pinned the recipe here

5 ways to survive Easter weekend 2

3. Let off some steam. Even if the weather is bad a good run around in the great outdoors is a sure fire way of blowing away the cobwebs. The National Trust is hosting Cadbury Easter Egg Hunts at 271 properties over the bank holiday weekend and every child who takes part gets a chocolate treat. They also have an eight foot topiary bunny at their Stourhead property, and a further seven four foot versions. To find your nearest hunt visit www.cadbury.co.uk/easter

National Trust Easter Egg Hunt

4. Make some ‘me’ time. As well as spending time with BB and Little B I’m also looking forward to having a bit of time just for me. I’ve been wanting to sit down and make a planting plan for the allotment for weeks, so I’ve bought a notebook and flower catalogues and am hoping to be able to make a start.

5 ways to survive Easter weekend 3

5. Treat yourself to a grown-up egg. I know there’s nothing quite like a kids’ Easter egg, but there are some amazing adult ones out there too. Chocolate truffle company Monty Bojangles sent me their new Taste Adventure truffle egg to try, which comes with eight truffles in flavours including flutter scotch and cookie moon. It costs £8, which sounds expensive for a hollow egg and some chocolates, but it’s jolly good chocolate.

Monty Bojangles Taste Adventure Easter EggI would show you more pictures that I’ve actually taken myself but I’ve, um, already eaten it all…

5 ways to survive Easter weekend 4

Please consider nominating us in Tots100 MAD Blog Awards! The categories it would be FABULOUS to be recognised in are Best Writer, Best Pre-school Blog or (dare I even suggest it) Blog of the Year! All you have to do to nominate us is click on the badge below and enter https://crummymummy.co.uk into the relevant box. Thank you SO SO much! x

Tots 100 Awards

We were sent the Monty Bojangles Easter Egg free of charge for the purpose of  review. As always all opinions are my own and based on my own honest experience.

Linking up with…

Mami 2 Five
You Baby Me Mummy
A Cornish Mum