Postpartum periods. There’s two words you don’t hear every day – or ever.

Along with so many other things they don’t tell you about having a baby, post pregnancy periods are one of those things that happen to all of us but just aren’t talked about – or not enough, anyway.

leak proof underwear

Why don’t they tell you that being padded up to the nines for weeks after giving birth is really pants? Why don’t they warn you that your first – and second and third and even fourth – period after having a baby isn’t like a normal period at all? And why isn’t the fact that there are better – and more environmentally friendly – solutions than sanitary towels out there shouted about more?

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After having baby number four in April 2020 I’ve discovered things have moved on a lot since I first became a mum in 2011. Back then I remember being directed to a special aisle in the supermarket to buy super-sized sanitary towels for my hospital bag and I don’t think leak-proof underwear or period pants even existed.

Fast forward ten years and it turns out there’s been a bit of a revolution in the lady bits department. Modibodi is among the brands blazing a trail with pants, bras, activewear and swimwear designed to manage life’s leaks, from periods to perspiration to pre and post pregnancy pee – yes you did read that correctly!

They very kindly sent me a pair of period pants to try out – and I’ve got two pairs to give away to one of you lovely lot too!

Modibodi leak proof underwear review & giveaway!

If you haven’t come across Modibodi before they launched in 2013 and are the UK’s number one leak proof apparel brand. They’re on a mission to encourage women to switch from disposable, single use products to reusable options, which are not only better for the environment but a lot more comfortable too.

To put it in context, every day in the UK an estimated 2.5 million tampons and 1.4 million sanitary towels are flushed down the loo. And to put those numbers in context, period products are the fifth most common single-use plastic item found on Europe’s beaches. Yuck.

What exactly are period pants?

Modibodi’s period pants are exactly that – pants to wear when you have your period instead of using sanitary towels or tampons. They come in a range of colours and six different absorbencies, with prices ranging from £15.50 to £25.

leak proof underwear

How do they work?

Here’s the sciencey bit – and it’s actually so simple you wonder why nobody thought of it before. Each pair of pants features a panel with three different layers made from a mixture of fabrics including bamboo viscose and merino wool. The patented fabric absorbs fluid and locks it away, while wicking away moisture to keep you feeling dry. You can wash them in the washing machine along with your regular load, and they’re naturally antimicrobial to protect against bacteria.

leak proof underwear

What do they feel like on?

I was gifted a pair of garnet coloured hi-waist bikini pants (£25) with a ‘luxe lace’ waistband. The leg is cut quite high which I like because if you prefer higher waisted underwear you don’t feel like you’re wearing ‘granny pants’.

leak proof underwear

According to the boffs at Modibodi they’re tested to hold 50ml of fluid a day, and to put that in context the average women loses 30ml to 50ml of blood over five days. All I know is they haven’t leaked once!

leak proof underwear

They’re also super soft and I also like the fact the waistband is kind on my four-times-mum-tum too!

leak proof underwear

My verdict

Discovering Modibodi has been a revelation for me – I can categorically say I will never go back to using disposable towels or tampons now I’ve discovered Modibodi’s period pants. It might sound crazy but not only are they so much more comfortable than towels and tampons, I actually look forward to wearing them!

leak proof underwear

There’s also the environmental benefit to consider: apparently the average woman uses 22 sanitary products per cycle, so if you were to switch to period pants that’s 264 less sanitary products a year being flushed down the loo or sent to landfill.

leak proof underwear

So, if you fancy getting your hands on two pairs of Modibodi pants here’s how!

Win two pairs of Modibodi period pants!

All you have to do to be in with a chance of winning is head over to Instagram, like and save my post featuring Modibodi’s leak proof underwear (below), make sure you’re following both me @confessionsofacrummymummy and @modibodi and tag someone you think would like to enter too.


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A post shared by Natalie Brown (@confessionsofacrummymummy)

The giveaway is open to UK residents only and closes at midnight on Friday 28 January 2022. You can enter as many times as you like and the winner will be picked at random and notified the next day. The winner can choose two pairs of pants from Modibodi’s range (availability permitting). Good luck!

I was gifted the Modibodi bikini pants featured in this post. Watch this space for my review of Modibodi’s leak proof breastfeeding bra coming soon!

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