
Can you spot the daddy long legs in #MySundayPhoto this week? I’ve been busy getting our allotment ready for winter and this little fellow popped up to say hello during a major pruning of our Homebase wildlife garden (I think I may have spoiled his habitat). It’s while clearing leaves and cutting back plants over the last few weeks that two things have occurred to me: one is that since taking up gardening I quite like autumn – the leaves, the smell of damp earth and fires – and the other is that I’m not as bothered by creepy crawlies as I used to be. Once upon a time I’d have hot footed it away from a daddy long legs in the fastest possible time, but I didn’t mind this one watching me work. Do you jump at insects like daddy long legs? Or don’t you mind them? I’d love to know!

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TammymumMummascribblesFamily FeverReal Mum ReviewsRun Jump ScrapMummuddlingthroughdiaryofanimperfectmumYou Baby Me MummyKeep Calm and Carry On Linking SundayPhotalife