Sighing involuntarily, tucking tissues up your sleeves and cutting coupons out of magazines.
After realising I was doing all of the above without even thinking about it I wrote 10 signs you’re turning into your mother, and I’m afraid to report the situation is getting worse.
It was buying wine at the self-service checkout at the supermarket that did it. The assistant didn’t even look at me when he came to approve it – not even a glance.
Do I really look so far beyond the legal drinking age it’s not even worth looking at me to check? If so I blame pregnancy and the weird ways it changes your face, not to mention your body.
Added to the fact I’ve started watching Gardeners’ World and I found myself eyeing a shower cap in a shop the other day (it did have unicorns on it) it wouldn’t take me long to come up with 10 more ways I’m turning into my mother.
Luckily I’m not the only one. I asked some fellow bloggers for signs they’re turning into their mums and here’s what they said.
10 more signs you’re turning into your mother
1. You start ‘popping in’ to Marks and Spencer. “I said ‘ooh let’s just pop into M&S while we’re in town’ and my husband looked at me and burst out laughing,” says Nicola at Mummy to Dex
2. You only drink tea from ‘your’ mug. “I’ve spent months finding the perfect vessel for my tea. It needs to be mug sized but fine like a china tea cup,” says Sinead at Sinead Latham
3. You keep things ‘just in case’. “From packaging and labels to old magazines and lot of other really useless items, my mother is a full blown hoarder and it used to really annoy me that she wouldn’t throw things away but now I’m doing it too,” says Jennifer at My Mummy’s Pennies
4. You carry everything but the kitchen sink around in your handbag. “We used to give my mum a hard time about carrying a mega handbag full of ‘just in case’ items – two kids later that’s me,” says Laura at The Mamma Fairy
5. You become a weather watcher. “You get excited when it’s sunny because it means you can get your washing on the line dried,” says Emily at Emily and Indiana
6. You develop that look. “When my 20-month-old is doing something she shouldn’t she gets a *look* of disapproval. That’s when I know I’m turning into my mother!” says Sophia at Tattooed Tealady
7. You swap pop music for classical. “I never thought I’d see the day when I swapped Nirvana for Brahms!” says Louise at Pink Pear Bear
8. You tell fibs. “’Eat your crusts so your hair goes curly’, or ‘stop pulling that face, the wind will change and you’ll be stuck forever looking like that’ – not only sounding just like my mother but both blatant lies,” says Lauren at Scrapbook Blog
9. You suggest making things instead of buying them. “’I could make that’ was something mum always said whenever we asked for something and I find myself saying the same especially when it’s expensive!” says Deborah at Country Heart and Home
10. You’d rather stay in than go out. “A friend of mine asked if I wanted to go clubbing – I couldn’t think of anything worse and opted for a much preferred hot bath and early night instead!” says Emma at Our Fairytale Adventure
Are you in danger of turning into your mother? Are you guilty of any of the above? I’d love to know!
What goes around comes around, I’m afraid!!
It even happens to us men, and what is so creepy about it is, everybody says “ I’m not going to get like my parents” but it’s inevitable, it is already written!!! (At least you can see what your going to be like) lol
Yes I’ve thought this a lot recently and have done every one of the things on this list! Clubbing doesn’t appeal at all, although I do appreciate a nice meal out somewhere the music isn’t so loud I can’t hear my hubby speak. Funny post xx #familyfunlinky
Urgh I’ve been feeling this lately haha! #familyfunlinky
I would definitely rather stay in than go out these days but I think I’m safe from the others at the moment! Phew! #familyfun
I do all of these I think. Sometimes I say something and just think “God I’m my mother!!” then have a 3-day effort not to be before slipping back again!! Great list! #familyfunlinky
I do some of these! Going out anywhere in the evening is unappealing to me now. I just wanna sit and chill in my pj’s lol.
I think I am guilty of most of these but it is absolutely the worse when I hear my mums saying coming out of my mouth. Like if the wind changes you’ll stick like that. #familyfun
Thanks for including us – funny thing is im probably guilty of most if not all of the above!
Popping back over from #twinklytuesday, this is such a goodie I’m happy to laugh through it again! X
Oh nooo I always hear myself saying things and realise i’m turning into my Mum!! definitely guilty of a few of theses!!
He he, have to go click on your first list too… it’s definitely true that I have some serious Mum traits on the go already but hopefully I will learn from some of her mistakes! It’s a crazy world out there!!
Thank you for linking up to the #familyfunlinky
Brilliant, love the popping into Marks and Spencers! #bloggersbest
I’m definitely turning into my Mom. However, I think now she’s reached a certain age she goes out more than me and I’m actually ‘older’ than her!! #thelistlinky
Oh this is just great. I was nodding along to them all! Thanks for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday
The right mug for your tea sounds familiar as does going to M&S but then those cookies #FamilyFunLinky
Haha, fab post, I can see a variety of things that I do that my Mum does! Arghhh! Thanks for linking up #BloggersBest
Ha ha, these are all so true. The phrase ‘it’ll end in tears’ used to drive me up the wall when I was a kid but now I say it too and cringe every time
When I say things to my kids, I get dejavu and then quickly realize where I’ve heard it before, and I think omg I am my mother. I also think how much I hated hearing that as a kid and now my kids probably hate it too but too bad, it doesn’t make me want to change lol