They say it takes a village to raise a child.

Well I reckon it’s true.

The superheroes I can't live without

A little while ago I wrote a post entitled I don’t know how I do it, about juggling work and three kids and breastfeeding with life in general, and while it’s true and sometimes I don’t know how I do it, the title of the post isn’t strictly fair because I don’t actually do it all on my own.

There are a whole team of people who keep our life and household running smoothly.

This occurred to me when Hallmark got in touch and asked us to take part in their #strongertogether campaign to mark the release of the new Justice League film and their superhero team of itty bittys (think miniature stuffed Batmans and Wonder Womans).

Justice League is all about superheroes working together and Hallmark sent us a box of goodies including superhero capes and masks and asked us to design our own family superhero logo, thinking about what makes our family #strongertogether.

The superheroes I can't live without

Well. This got me thinking.

While our family is definitely stronger when we’re all together there’s lots of people who help make it happen, superheroes I just can’t live without. So while the kids stuck and glued and glittered to make their superhero costumes I compiled a little list of everyone who makes our family what it is.

The superheroes I can’t live without

1. The kids. Because you need questions like ‘what in the world is faster than a blink?’ and ‘is Father Christmas watching me now?’ in your life.

2. Misery Guts. Because he does things like write ‘I love you’ in toy bath letters on the bathroom mirror which I’ll find in the middle of the night when everyone else is asleep and I’m up for yet another night feed.

3. My mother-in-law. Because she travels more than two hours each way to stay with us every week giving me a precious day and a half totally child-free to work, instead of working and looking after the kids at the same time.

4. My mum and dad. Because they step in during the school holidays with free childcare and endless games – a godsend when faced with a two week half term.

5. The teachers at school. Because they answer the questions I just can’t, like what in the world is faster than a blink, and are making BB into the girl she is today.

6. Our nursery staff. Because they’ve created such a fun and loving environment I have to drag Little B away at pick up time, and have never once had to feel guilty about leaving him there.

7. Our neighbours. Because they’re on hand when you need them, like when I was heavily pregnant with Littlest B and they took over the school run so I didn’t have to waddle up a great big hill in the cold and dark and wet.

8. Our cleaner. Because I don’t have to worry about how on earth I’m going to find the time to properly clean with three kids in the house.

9. Our supermarket delivery man. Because he brings the shopping right up to the front door so I don’t have to navigate the supermarket with a threenager, and he knows each of the children by name.

10. Our bus driver. Because he waits until I’ve manoeuvred our massive double buggy into position before driving off. It’s a little thing, but it makes a big difference.

The fact is it’s all of the superheroes above – our little village – who help make my little superheroes. And that’s what makes our family #strongertogether.

 superheroes I can't live without

What makes your family #strongertogether? Do you have an army of superheroes or side-kicks you can’t live without? I’d love to hear who they are!

Hallmark sent us a box of goodies including their itty bittys range of superheroes (I’m pleased to see as many girl heroes as there are boys!) free of charge in exchange for this post. As always all opinions are my own. Justice League is in UK cinemas from Friday November 17.

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