Earlier this month Kirsty who blogs over at Something Crunchy Mummy charged me with the task of coming up with 10 warnings I would give my kid self.
It’s taken me a while and I’ve been quietly thinking about it for the last few weeks – her warnings made me laugh so I have a lot to live up to – but I’ve finally come up with a definitive list.
So here we are – 10 warnings I would give my kid self:
1. Toilets in DIY shop showrooms aren’t real toilets. Enough said.
2. After coming to an almost perfect stop on a skiing lesson, don’t decide to go on a little further. The mesh fence at the end of the ski slope will leave an imprint on your face. And it will hurt.
3. Being baptised aged seven is toe-curlingly embarrassing. Be prepared.
4. Don’t lock yourself in the toilet because you’re scared of a plastic spider at a sleepover. You’ll never live it down.
5. If you want to dye your hair bleach blonde don’t do it yourself. Get a professional to do it.
6. There’s no point taking a picture of a hairstyle you like into a hairdresser’s. No matter how great the hairdresser is, it will look nothing like that on you.
7. Choosing a confirmation name after a member of your favourite boy band is a bad idea – it will come back to haunt you. New Kids on the Block. That’s all I’m saying.
8. Don’t take the day off school when a member of another favourite boy band leaves. You’ll never live that down, either.
9. Injections aren’t really that bad. Some people have to have them every day.
10. The most popular people at school will probably turn out to be the least successful. So don’t worry about it.
I now nominate:
Julie at Picking Up Toys
Stevie at A Cornish Mum
Beth at Life As Mum
Hope you can join in!
I’ve had a few “tried to go blond but ended up bright orange” mishaps too lol!Ha I was gutted when East 17 broke up,mind you didn’t get a day off,you had to be dead for my Mum to let you off school X
My hair ended up yellow!!
Love this but especially number 1! I’m guessing this is something you learned from your own experience? – eek! #PickNMix
I was only little so it wasn’t my fault!
Haha this is brilliant, and I am getting the impression boy bands were a big part of your childhood! #fbfriday
I’m afraid they’re a big part of my adulthood too!!
You had me at “toilets in DIY showrooms…” Brilliant post (even if I am laughing at your misfortune #soznotsoz) :0) x
Glad to make you laugh!
Would love to hear the full story for point 1 and totally agree with 6 and 10.
Brilliant post as always and love the photo. Thank you so much for linking up with the final week of #fbfriday
I’m sad it’s the last week but thanks for hosting x
Still sniggering at the showroom toilet bit 😉 I think everyone knows someone whose child has done that!
As for injections my son has had 4/5 a day for over six years and I still feel a bit queasy and have to look the other way for my own blood test!
Thanks for linking up to #Picknmix and for the tag! Stevie xx
Misery Guts has done about the same number a day since he was 12 – he’s 35 now. BB is always fascinatedx
This is a great post I dread to think what I would give my kid self as warnings, I think the list would be tooo long.
Maybe best not to think about it!
I learnt the hard way about trying to make my dark hair blonde with ‘sun in’….nightmare! Thanks for linking up to #throwbackthursday x
I remember ‘sun in’! I wonder if its still exists…x
I love the last one, so true! All the geeks turned out to be successful and gorgeous at my school! You seem to have had some hair disasters in the past, which I can totally relate to! I had a weird kind of pixie crop that made me look like a boy, and did home highlights a few days before my 6thform ball. But the cap slipped. Horrendous. Very funny post and I love the pic! Becky x #throwbackthursday
Yes I had some big hair disasters – yours sound funny too!
I WILL get around to this tag eventually, I’ve been so slack this week but it’s on my to do list 😉 Thanks for linking it up to #TenThings as well 🙂
Stevie x
No problem – I’ve still got one like that I haven’t done!x