Like many bloggers I regularly receive emails from companies asking me to review their product or service. If it’s a product or service I believe in and is something we would use or do as a family, or if I think it will be of interest to our readers, I usually say yes – whether it’s a £2 bottle of bubble bath or a £350 pushchair.
The usual arrangement is that we receive that product or service in exchange for taking the time to test it and write about it, and everyone is happy. But lately I have been receiving more and more emails from companies who want the product back afterwards – basically, they want me to write about it for free.
Here is a prime example: this week I received an email from a leading kitchen equipment brand – who shall remain nameless – in which the PR raved about how much they loved my blog and a how it would be a perfect fit for their brand. They’re right, I thought, given we genuinely use that brand at home and it features in the background of many photos, it would.
They asked if I would like to review one of their products – yes, I thought, I really would.
They then went on to invite me to choose an item from a rather lengthy list – oh goody, I thought, I love emails like this.
But then came the sting in the tail: ‘We would be very happy to loan you one of these items to review’.
So not only were they asking me to spend time putting the product through its paces, write about it, take and edit photos of the experience and then upload it all onto my blog, they were asking me to send the product back to them at the end of it: in essence, spend three to four hours working for them for free.
I am usually so outraged when I receive such emails that I don’t respond: I have to earn a living and I have a growing family to feed – why on earth would I promote a multi-national, multi-million pound company on the blog I created from nothing and have spent years cultivating, resulting in a very loyal following whose opinions I respect, for free?
So I’ve decided it’s time to start pointing this out (but only after the red mist has dissipated, to avoid ranting). Here’s what I wrote to the kitchen equipment brand, and how to say no politely:
1. Thank them for getting in touch and their kind words about your blog.
2. Agree their brand would indeed be a perfect fit for your audience.
3. Say you would normally expect to receive some form of compensation, often the product itself, in exchange for spending XX amount of hours of your time writing about and editing pictures of their product which you are endorsing to a captive audience of XX followers on your blog. You could also point out your social media following too.
4. Say you would be happy to write a review (unless you’re still too incensed) in return for the product or service.
5. Say you look forward to hearing from them soon.
That said, at the time of writing I haven’t heard back from the kitchen equipment brand. I’ll keep you posted on progress, but don’t hold your breath…
It’s bonkers isn’t it? It is often bigger brands too, for some reason I am less incensed when it is a start up, but like you do a do a polite email in return. It’s always better to be polite and you never know where the PR might work in the future. #picknmix
Yes – I should have mentioned not to burn bridges…and you’re right, when it’s a start-up I don’t mind so much but it’s often the big brands with big budgets who try to take advantage!
I can understand your frustration. As dad always says; you get nowt for nowt nowadays. I think everyone should be paid for their time and effort. #PicknMix
Or at least recognised for their time & effort in some way!x
This is just fab – I receive emails like this and they make me laugh. I ignore maybe I should reply along these lines. Thanks for sharing on #justanotherlinky xx
I usually ignore but was too incensed by this one!!
i hope they read this! #justanotherlinky
Me too!
I can so relate to this! I usually say I can review in return for an item and them I will get no reply at all. I think they are so frustrated that they need to send me an item haha! #picknmix
Yes often total silence afterwards!
Great tips on how to respond – thank you! I don’t understand why bigger companies do this – very frustrating! I hope you hear back from them soon. Will be interested to see what their response it. #PicknMix
Me too! I will keep you posted!
I have only just started writing for brands and so haven’t come across being asked to write for free but no doubt it will happen soon! thanks for your post, I will know how to react and not react to it now!
Hope it proves helpful – hopefully you won’t get asked!
It’s not so much that they are asking you to work for free – from the brand’s perspective they are treating you as they would a regular journalist. They’re not deliberately trying to rip you off, it may simply be that this is how the brand has always dealt with journalists, and they haven’t adjusted to the fact that bloggers do things differently. Journalists and broadcasters have always used loan items for reviews, especially high value or tech items where the PR only has a few available. Or sometimes the brand insists on all the items coming back – I had one company send a courier all the way from London to Brighton to pick up an item which was only worth about £25. It’s quite normal in that world, and this is why it’s important for both sides to get clear on what their expectations are before you agree to review.
Personally I don’t mind reviewing an item on loan. It can be a chance to try something out that you wouldn’t do otherwise, plus high value items usually get a lot of people interested in reviews, so it can be great for traffic. I draw the line at items for children though. I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect kids to play with something then take it off them again once they’ve got attached to it – though I have known PRs to ask for this.
The difference between a blogger and a journalist is that a journalist is already being paid for their time – either they are on a salary at a publication or they have received a commission from an editor – whereas a blogger isn’t. While many PRs appreciate this there are also many who don’t – although I appreciate they may be acting on instructions from the brand. Asking for toys back after giving them to the child is a bit much though!
I haven’t had any like this yet,I seem to get a lot of we thought you’d like this product…and that’s it.Nothing about whether they want me to review it or anything,I have to ask a thousand questions to get the info out of them lol but then I’m very new to it all x
My motto is that if I don’t understand the email (ie I have to ask lots of questions to get to the bottom of it) then it’s not worth it!
I’ve never been approached to do this but have been offered the amazing chance to write about an item I have never seen in return for them tweeting my post! I politely declined! Have you had a reply yet? Thanks for linking to #PickNMix
Good grief – how on earth can you write about something you’ve never seen?!! I haven’t had a reply yet…x