‘Get a proper job’.
That’s what one reader told me in response to a post I wrote about whether bloggers are exploiting their children.
Blogging isn’t my sole source of income but it does account for an increasing chunk of my earnings, and I certainly think of it as a job.
I pitch, I design, I create, I manage, I edit, I negotiate, I collaborate and I work under contract, which I believe earns me the right to use the title ‘freelance journalist & blogger’ at the end of an email.
I thought long and hard about how to respond to the reader in question, and this is what I said:
‘If creating a brand, building a platform on which to showcase that brand, attracting a loyal and engaged audience resulting in household names paying to reach that audience and running and managing that platform isn’t a ‘proper job’ I’d love to know what is!’
Yet the fact is that this person isn’t alone. Many people, as well as not really understanding what it is a blogger actually does, don’t view blogging as a ‘real’ job either.
So I asked some fellow bloggers who also monetise their blogs why they consider it a proper job, and this is what they said.
10 reasons blogging IS a proper job
1. “We’re head of creative content, we’re marketing managers. We’re in charge of IT AND accounts. And sales. And if things go awry we usually have to take the blame too. We’re multitasking geniuses.” Tracey at Pack the PJs.
2. “Negotiating, collaborating, creating, planning and learning. Blogging definitely is a proper job if you make it into one.” Irina at Wave To Mummy.
3. “I’m using my business head every day to build and further a brand. It’s my job and brings in a part-time wage and allows me to look after my son, so a win win.” Nadia at Scandi Mummy.
4. “I have skills that other people don’t that mean brands want to employ me and I get paid. Often I earn more than I did teaching. How is it not a proper job?” Danielle at Someone’s Mum.
5. “If freelance journalism is a job then how can anyone say blogging isn’t, essentially it’s the same thing. Except bloggers have to build their own brand and put out all their work and grow their own audience!” Chantelle at Two Hearts One Roof.
6. “I just gave up a ‘real job’ to blog full time as I am making enough money from blogging to do so!” Lauren at Belle du Brighton.
7. “If it’s paying my mortgage, it’s a proper job! In the same way that a journalist is paid to write, or an editor, or photographer, is paid to do their job, this is my job and it’s bloody hard work!” Laura at Five Little Doves.
8. “Just because it is not a standard 9-5 job working for someone else doesn’t make it any less of a job!” Katie at Living Life Our Way.
9. “By law you have to register as self-employed. Employed = job, no?” Frances at Whinge Whinge Wine.
10. “It’s really simple – do you do tasks in exchange for money? Then yes, it’s a job!” Nyomi at Nomipalony.
Indeed the Oxford Dictionary’s definition of a job is:
‘A paid position of regular employment, a task or piece of work, especially one that is paid’.
Which in my book makes blogging a ‘proper’ job.
We might not be saving lives or changing the world, but we’re putting food on the table for our children who may well go on to save lives and change the world.
Do you think of blogging as a proper job? Are you a blogger and do you earn an income from yours? Has anyone ever told you blogging isn’t a real job?
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The person who wrote the original comment is either an idiot or jealous! Great post!
Blogging is a job if you want it to be, and a hobby if you want it to be. That’s the beauty of it. Mine is just starting to make a little money and I’d one day love to be able to say it’s my job! #marvmondays
I wish my blog was a job but at the moment I’m just not good enough/posting enough, maybe one day. I take my hat of to all the ones that have it as a job though because its hard enough doing it as a hobby!
Course it’s a valid job if you’re at that level!!! Mine is just a hobby but the hard work that goes into making it more than that certainly makes it a job. Don’t take notice of the disbelievers!! #postsfromtheheart
Great comments, I agree, it certainly can be a job and I know many that work much more hours than a ‘regular’ job.
Thank you for featuring me. I naturally think of it as a job, but as someone suggested above the beauty of blogging is that it can be whatever you want it to be. A hobby or a career. #postsfromtheheart
LOVE this post! Yes, yes and yes. Of course blogging is a proper job. I think people get hung up on the term ‘blogging’ as so many think of it as ‘just’ an online diary. When we work with brands, it’s marketing. Though so much more of course. #MarvMondays
Of course it’s a job if you get paid to do it 🙂
So true and all those making those comments need to get back in their box! I don’t think of myself as a real blogger, but that said, it’s all about negotiation, marketing yourself, organisation, planning and I manage that most of the time!! Thanks for linking for #marvmondays x
Thanks for these reminders – and for letting the doubters know. 🙂
I am not making a “job-level” income yet, but I definitely view my blog as a business.
I don’t earn an income from blogging, but I definitely agree with it being a job – if you’re being paid for work completed, then of course it is a job! No, not a traditional 9-5, but a job nonetheless. #MarvMondays
Fab comments from people! Blogging is a great job or even a career – although of course as it is entrepreneurial it can be pretty stressful too in a whole different way than a normal job!
Blogging isn’t my ‘proper job’ only because I am not being paid for it and do work full time. What about people who work in a charity shop for free? They consider it a job…may it is my free proper job!! hahaha!
Great post and keep on with the proper job!
Like Jade, I don’t earn an income from blogging. But it consumes so much of my time as a hobby that I can only imagine how much effort goes into doing it to bring in a income. Every time I’ve ever had a little wobble with my job, I realise that I don’t think I have the enthusiasm or creativity to put myself out there and try and make my blog into a brand that can earn me cash. I have SO much respect for the bloggers that do. People who say it isn’t a job are jut naive of how the world works. I think it’s fantastic that blogging has become a profession because it’s opened the door to so many people! #MarvMondays
It drives me crazy when people don’t see my blog as a job…particularly my other half! He keeps calling it a hobby and that makes me want to scream!!
I’ve never had a proper job and am proper proud! I trained as an actress and am use to these sorts of comments. #PostsFromTheHeart
As a newish blogger, this is interesting. Already my blog is taking over my life a little in that there is so much to learn and take in! I also like the links to other blogs, some of which I haven’t discovered yet. Thank you. #twinklytuesday
Blogging takes over my life a little at times and I don’t make money from it but I still think of it as a job as it is the marketing arm of Coombe Mill which does make money. Love your post, it is a real boost to what I do reading the quotes here #MarvMondays
A great post! I think of all of you as real bloggers doing real jobs, I wonder if I will ever feel like that about mine. Not in a bad way, more because I love it and in many ways don’t see teaching – which I also love as a’real’ job either – though undoubtedly both are! I loved reading all the definitions of what we actually do.
This ====> ‘If creating a brand, building a platform on which to showcase that brand, attracting a loyal and engaged audience resulting in household names paying to reach that audience and running and managing that platform isn’t a ‘proper job’ I’d love to know what is!’ and point five are the two that resonated with me.
Blogging IS a job, one that is quite possibly harder than any other as we have to do many job roles in one! I for one want to be good enough to do it fulltime and it certainly seems to be part of the new generation of technology with everything on the internet! #marvmondays
popping back from #PostsFromTheHeart
I consider it a part time job, voluntary at the moment since im not getting paid nor is my content monetised, as i cant figure out how to do that. #twinklytuesday
It’s interesting reading your post and the comments that have followed. I don’t make any money from my blog. #MarvMondays
Of course it’s a proper job, if you treat it like one. At the minute I see myself as something of an apprentice, learning the ropes in the hopes that I can make it into a job in the future x
I’m still relatively new to blogging but am amazed at the amount of time and effort it has taken. I think this is one reason people underestimate bloggers, they just aren’t aware of the sheer volume of work needed to do it well #aBloggingGoodTime
Well I just quit my day job to give it a go as a blogger so absolutely yes, it is a job! I am self employed, earning money, and I am therefore working. It just happens to be around my children meaning I can still care for them as well! Thanks for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday
I noticed the bloggers you spoke to were all women and I wonder, do male bloggers get this question or is it, as I suspect – something only women are asked? I suspect it is because we’re so often called into question. As a romance author I get asked when I’m going to write a “proper” book and it’s the same sneering response, just over a different thing. Blogging is no more a hobby than being a mum is sitting around watching Jeremy Kyle. There are jobs and just because it’s done at home and, often, by a woman, doesn’t make it less so.
I blog for a living, and people are always asking me when I’m going to get a ‘real job’. I tell them that if they can find me one that pays as well as blogging does then I’ll take it. I doubt I have the qualifications for anything else though! LOL #ablogginggoodtime
Louise x
I love this! A brilliant idea for a post. I work tremendously hard on my blog but I’m yet to get paid for anything. But, I still feel like it’s my job!
oppps #TheListLinky x
Absolutely it’s a proper job if you want it to be! For me it’s more of a hobby but there is so much hard work involved in being a full time blogger (most of it unpaid in the early years too!) #TheList
Blogging absolutely can be a proper job. People tend to critise things they don’t understand. If you’re earning a wage from it how can it be anything other than a job?. #pocolo
Great post, once I started taking blogging seriously I asked my partner if it was ok to say I have 4 jobs now 🙂 I’m still not earning much but I find it really fulfilling #thelistlinky
Blogging is hard, its just as time consuming as a “proper job” and often (I find) mentally more so – you don’t switch off! But hater’s gonna hate! #theListLinky
My comment just vanished! I think it’s a proper job in the same way being an artist or musician is, if you make an income from it…#Kalcols
Love it! And the comments. Something resonated here I have found that the same question is asked of small business owners (women) – ‘how’s that little ‘er thing going?’ ‘are you still doing your little thing?’ ‘How is it going?’ ‘Aaaaww, at least you’re having a go’. I think that as a society, we find it difficult that people aren’t still doing the traditional 9-5. And as for blogging, it’s rare to get past ‘I’m a blogger’. People don’t understand it. If you mention being paid, then you will hear ‘oh, it’s alright for some’ or ‘ooh I think I’ll give that a go if you get free things’. Same old, same old!! Great post, Nicky x
Love this!! Blogging is a proper job..if you get paid to do something then it’s a job! People who say it isn’t obviously don’t realise all the work we put into it or are just jealous because they wish they could be their own boss xx #postsfromtheheart
Im trying my hardest to make Blogging my ‘proper job’ . It’s actually harder than my other job as there is so much to do on a blog & social media and you cant leave ‘ the office’ as the office is home #postsfromtheheart
This is a brilliant post which I will share. I would love blogging to be my job but I’ve been going nearly a year and earned a grand total of £135… lucky me!! People underestimate how much hard work is involved like you say in creating a brand, writing, photo skills, marketing, IT, accounts. It’s unbelievable! #ablogginggoodtime xx
Fully support anyone who can make a living from blogging and of course it is a proper job. I’ve only just started but who knows what the future might bring!
So true – its bloody ridiculous that people still have issue with this!
Thanks for linking to #ablogginggoodtime Please join us next week too!
Thank you for such an insightful post. I’ve only just started my blog but it would be a bloody dream job if I got paid for it!!well done to all the bloggers who do. I’m my eyes, that’s certainly a job
Oh how I wish my blog was a job! That’s the dream. Currently my “real job” and life take over leaving less time for blogging but I’m hoping that will change soon. Thanks for sharing with #KCACOLS
Popping back! #kcacols
Great post..I have been vlogging from last 7 months and just started my blog.. I know it takes a lot of efforts to maintain the blog.sometimes the hours you work os more than a normal job.
I like number ten. Simple! Love this. Blogging is definitely a proper job. #kcacols
Thanks for including me! Only just saw this, great post with some really good comments too. I will share.
I’ve only recently started to get a few paid collaborations in the 4.5 years I’ve had my blog and will be working towards doing this full time. Us ‘bloggers’ wear numerous hats, and the fact we have to register as self employed pretty much answers the question x #KCACOLS
I think Fran and Nyomi have it spot on! When it comes down to it, it really is that simple. x #KCACOLS