Is it just me or are there lots of things you suddenly become scared of when you become a mum?
I don’t just mean big things, like whether they’re going to choke to death on a carrot even though you steamed it within an inch of its life or whether they’re going to stop breathing in the night because the bedroom is half a degree warmer than it ought to be, I mean little things too.
I’m now the owner of a seven-year-old, a four-year-old and an almost two-year-old and have gone from being a fairly laid-back sort of person to having developed the ability to imagine the worst-case scenario in absolutely everything.
In fact, the list of things I’m scared of now I’m a mum is becoming longer the older the kids get. In no particular order.
10 things I’m scared of now I’m a mum!
1. London. And big cities in general. Pre-kids I didn’t think twice about hopping on a train and going into town. Now the list of what-ifs is endless, to the point I’d rather just stay at home.
2. Pelican crossings. Is that car going to stop even though the lights are red? Are we going to get across in time before the green man starts flashing? And don’t get me started on the ones that count down the seconds.
3. The washing. Even with the help of my dirty secret we’re never on top of it, and dirty laundry pile is frequently taller than me. I can’t remember the last time I saw the bottom of it, and I’m not sure I ever will again. It keeps me awake at night.
4. Grapes. I’ve read so many horror stories about grapes I’ve stopped buying them.
5. Brown Owl. I’m referring, of course, to the leader of the Brownie pack, the one with the neckerchief and the keeper of badges. Ours is proper old-school, and when she speaks you do as you’re told. I swear I’m not the only mum who’s scared of her, either.
6. Barn Owl. She might be Brown Owl’s deputy, but she’s equally fearsome.
7. Sewing. You’d think, by now, that someone would have invented iron-on swimming, gymnastic and Brownie badges. But apparently not. I won’t lie, my heart sinks when the oldest comes home with yet another hard-earned badge because it means yet another evening of wrestling with a needle and thread.
8. The school holidays. Especially the summer school holidays. This probably has a lot to do with being a work at home mum, but I simply don’t understand people who fill their social media feeds with ‘back to school today, we’ve had a fab time, roll on half term!’ No, no and no.
9. The smell of poo. I don’t mean when you’re changing a nappy or wiping a bottom. I mean when you’re not changing a nappy or wiping a bottom. Never a good sign.
10. Bath toys. Or more specifically, the black bits that come out of them when they’ve been sat around for a while. What is that stuff?
Is there anything you’ve become scared of since becoming a mum – or dad? Can you relate to anything on my list? I’d love to know what it is!
My eldest is nearly 21 and my youngest is 8 and let me tell you the fear doesn’t stop as they get older it gets worse! On the bright side though you can buy double sided iron on interfacing that will iron your brownie badges to the tops ( if that is any comfort at all) #thatfridaylinky
I agree with Louisa….it gets worse….sorry! Wait until they become more independent and want to ‘out’. All I can think about is what I got up to as a teenager!!
I’m a teacher of 4 year olds and I’m with you with the grapes thing….I won’t let anyone have a grape unless I cut it up! You can never be too careful with grapes! #thatfridaylinky
Yes! I am feel I worry about everything now I am a parent – rollercoasters. Love them, not been on one since having the children – just in case! I do buy grapes but completely freak out if they are not cut properly but then I’ve read stories with tomatoes, popcorn, sausage rolls – just food in general. #ThatFridayLinky
This is excellent I have older children as well as young ones but I am still scared to death of crossing the road even with the older ones fab read Thanks for linking to #Thatfridaylinky hope to see you next week
That feeling never leaves, my eldest is in his thirties and as he works in security I worry every time he goes to work #kcacols@_karendennis
The struggle is real isn’t it?! Just call me cautious Cathy! I slice grapes up that thinly my kids might as well have grape juice instead. I swear I have aged 10 years since having little ones.
Thanks for sharing with #MMBC. Hope you’ve had a good weekend. x
Urg the bath toys – yuk! Thanks so much for joining in #kcacols and hope to see you again next time.
Haha!! Some of these have actually made me laugh out loud!!! Joking aside, yes…your fears do change when you become a parent – some are totally valid, some completely irrational and some just hilarious…as you’ve shown!! #KCACOLS
Ha yes! I totally agree with every single on! Number 8 especially haha. #KCACOLS
I strangely have become.more.relaxed as they have got older. When I had my.first borb I was on edge and the anxiety was grumbling X #kcacols
Just wait until they hit the tween/teen stage. lol I don’t stop worrying!
Grapes still scare me. lol
I still take a deep breath before I drive anywhere with the children if it’s bad weather. They are all at secondary school. You’d think I’d have got over it. Before children, icy roads weren’t a problem. Now I put it off if I can. On the upside, I buy grapes and haven’t cut them in half for years. I can live on the wild side! Oh, and those bath toys. Throw those ones away. Doesn’t sound good. #MMBC
OH NO! I’m already scared of everything! My parents and my Brown Owl butted heads soooo much! It was like clash of the titans. I remember being a kid and wondering who would win! haha #KCACOLS
I know what you mean about grapes, but my three year old and twin babies love them. I’m convinced I spend my whole life chopping them up. Brown Owl made me laugh – remembering my Brownie days I completely get what you mean! Thanks for linking up to #ItsOK. See you next week!
I am more scared of everything! A worrier by trade (practically) being a mum has been the best and scariest thing that I have ever done! #ItsOK
You are so right; while motherhood makes us braver on so many levels, it also makes us so fearful on others. Like the safety of our children ALL THE TIME. Like the grapes you mentioned… I get you. I think sometimes I’m over-protective and that makes my son fear doing things, but better safe than sorry sometimes, correct? #mumproblems
I am terrified of the scout group leader! She’s asked me to help out and I was too scared to say no! #itsok
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes!!! All of these! Great post.
Had a little chuckle at the poo one, I like to think of that as a result of all the years of being elbow deep in it. It’s like a scar that will never heal! Or maybe a trauma.
Haha! I love this. I completely agree about grapes and the dirty bath toys. I have heard bad stories about them too. I started cutting them in half, but I still get nervous. #KCACOLS
Oh gosh as a parent I feel worried about everything it’s strange isn’t it! Thank you so much for linking up with us for #kcacols and hope to see you next time.
Haha the brownie / swimming badges are awful! I have ZERO sewing skills. I (shamefully) had to ask my mother in law to sew on a load of my daughter’s brownie badges because I’d been putting it off for so long, I had a whole stack and suddenly realised it was brownie parade the next day and I didn’t even know where to begin…! Haha.
And the post obviously resonated with someone else too because they chose your post to add to the BlogCrush linky this week! Hurray! Feel free to pop over and collect your “I’ve been featured” blog badge #blogcrush
I’m most afraid of the boy (in this case the girl) who cried wolf. My Little, she screams all the time. I almost don’t hear her. My fear is one day I will ignore it, and it will be the wrong choice. #KCACOLS being a mom is no easy thing! xoxo