Before you became a mum (or dad) did you used to think about the sort of parent you’d be?
I did – and I also used to think about the sort of parent I wouldn’t be too.
From cooking more than one meal to having a mountain of plastic toys in the living room, there are so many things I said I’d never do as a mum – until I became one, of course.
Now I’m a mum of three I look back on first time mum me and realise how naïve I was – and why you should never ever say never. In no particular order, here are 5 things I said I’d never do as a mum.
5 things I said I’d never do as a mum
1. Be slave to a routine. I used to turn my nose up at people who turned down invitations because it clashed with nap time, or left an event early because they didn’t want the baby to fall asleep in the car on the way home. Until I discovered that routine is everything.
2. Lie. I’d be the sort of mum who is open and honest and always tells the truth, I told myself. Until I discovered lies and fibs are currency when it comes to parenting. I don’t think a day goes by when I don’t lie or fib to one of them about something. Like swearing blind a swimming costume is clean even though I fished it out of the dirty laundry basket where it had been languishing since last week’s lesson. The truth just isn’t worth the meltdown.
3. Let myself go. I wouldn’t be the sort of mum who ‘forgets’ to brush her hair, or trades signature jeans for dungarees or worse, elasticated leggings. Until I discovered what sleep deprivation is actually like, and that generally speaking it’s me, the house or the kids – and usually the kids and the house win. Plus dungarees and elasticated leggings are super comfy.
4. Have a child with a snotty nose. You know the sort I mean, with green bogey permanently encrusted about their face. Why don’t the parents just wipe it I used to think? It’s not that difficult. Until I had one, then two and then three of mine own and discovered there’s precious little you can do about a snot monster who doesn’t like wiping (them I mean, not you).
5. Be a push over. I wouldn’t give in to pester power, emotional bribery, or begging. Until I discovered you pick your battles, and sometimes the path of least resistance is the best path to take.
Is there anything you swore you’d never do before becoming a parent that you now do? I’d love to know what it is!
Ha ha, yes to all this and more! I think I would shudder at my ability to turn a blind eye to some things the kids do…but seriouslym you have to pick your battles right?
Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub
Well I probably never thought I would turn into a raving lunatic, which is what I feel like most days! Plus I used to be so so strict with my diet before I had children. Now you will often find me sneaking into the kitchen in the afternoon to gobble down a quick chocolate digestive before they catch me (it’s that three o’clock fix!), then I will most definitely eat more chocolate that night once I have them in bed. So the diet has most definitely relaxed.
P.S. I am no. 3 – elasticated leggings have become my life! #coolmumclub
Haha! This is so true! I used to be cool and rock out to Metallica in the car and go out clubbing and get drunk. Now it’s more like battle of the iPads in the car and I can’t wait until my bedtime! Oh, and leggings are my daily attire!
Thanks for sharing with #MMBC. x
My thing was always that I’d never let a child of mine sit in a shopping trolley. But hey, if it means you get round the shop faster…now it’s slow because he has to push the trolley! #coolmumclub
hahaha! I love this. It’s funny how we say we’d never do these things then as soon as the kids come along it all does out of the window.
Since having kids I am such a liar. lol
Oh reality. It can be so cruel. Screen time is a creeping menace in our house. I don’t recognize myself sometimes. (shakes head in despair) #MMBC